Part 2

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'Hey, are you okay?" Jacob whispered anxiously, worry creasing his forehead. As he stares at me I can see defferent expressions playing across his face, going a millions miles a minute. "why in the world would I be okay, Jacob?" anguish replaced some of the bitterness in his face. "Right." He agreed and took a deep breath. He stilled himself shifting upward making himself look taller then he was. "Crap. Well... I-I'm so sorry, Bella." The apology was sincere, no doubt about it, though there was still an angry twist to his features, mixed with other emotions that I couldn't make up quite yet.

'Why did you come here?" I whispered to him, what was the point of him coming here if he wasn't going to stay with me? What if he leaves again just like he did. "To tell you something, my secret, you already know a part of my secret. About the Quileute legends, please Bella I need you to think, okay, you can get it!" I started to shake my head, not quite understanding what he wanted me to do. Jacob groaned and jumped off the bed, making the bed spring up nearly knocking me off the bed as well. He pressed his fists against his forehead and breathed fast and angry. "you know this, you know this." He muttered to himself, chanting it to himself other and other again.

'Jake? Jake, please, I'm exhausted. I'm no good at this right now. Maybe in the morning...' He took a steadying breath and nodded, he had finally stopped chanting to himself. "Maybe it will come back to you. I guess I understand why you only remember the one story." he added in a sarcastic, bitter tone, the bitter expression taking over his face again. He plunked back onto the mattress beside me, making the mattress cave around his waight once again. "Do you mind if I ask you a question about that?" He asked, still sarcastic. "I've been dying to know."

'A question about what?" I asked warily. "About the Vampire story I told you." I stared at him with a guarded eye, unable to answer. His voice turning husky. "was I the one who told you about he was?" I just replied with. "Yeah." After some time had parted he shook his head, as he doubted his success. "Come and tell me as soon as you figure it out." Something occurred to him just then, something that made his hands shake. If you...If you want to."

'Why wouldn't I want to see you?" his face turned hard and bitter. "Oh, I can think of a reason." He said in a harsh tone. "Look, I really have to go. Could you do something for me?" I nodded, frightened of the change in him. "at least call me – if you don't want to see me again. Let me know if it's like that." He said in a harsh tone again. "That won't happen –. "He raised one hand, cutting me off. "Just let me know." He stood and headed for the window.

"Don't be an idiot, Jake," I complained. "You'll break your leg. Use the door. Charlie's not going to catch you." Jake huffed. "I won't get hurt." He muttered, but he turned to the door. He hesitated as he passed, me, stared at me like a blind man seeing the Sun for the first time. Then like something was stabbing him. He held out one hand, pleading.

I took his hand and he suddenly yanked me – to roughly – right off the bed so that I thudded against his chest. "Just in case," he muttered against my hair, crushing me in a bear hug that broke my ribs. "Can't – breathe!" I gasped.

He dropped me at once, keeping one hand at my waist so didn't fall over. He pushed me, more gently this time, back down the bed. "Get some sleep, Bells. You've got to get your head working. I know you can do this. I need to understand. I won't lose you, Bella. Not for this." He wasn't the door in one stride, opening it quietly and then disappearing through it. I listened for him to hit the squeaky step in the stairs, but here was no sound.

I lay beck on my bed, my head spinning. I was too confused, too worn out. I closed my eyes, trying to make since of it, only to be swelled up by unconsciousness so swiftly that it was disorienting. It was not peaceful sleep that I yearned for – of course not. I was in the forest again and I started to wander the way I always did.

I quickly become ware that this was not the same dream as usual. For one thing, I felt no compulsion to wander or to search, I was merely wandering out of habit. Because that was what was usually expected of me here. Actually, this wasn't even the same forest. The smell was different, and the light too.

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