Part 7

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When Jake got into the cab I kept quite and after a moment Jake cleared his throat. When I looked at him, it looked like he was blushing but it was hard to tell because of his dark skin but it's there. "Listen I need to tell you something and it's going to sound weird, okay but I have to tell you." Jacob took a very deep breath. "Have you ever heard of Imprinting?" he asked and I shook my head. "That's how we find our Mate's. I mean our Soul Mates it's like love at first sight but more powerful, absolute. It's not easy to explain. No one could resist the level of commitment or adoration that the Quileute gives that person. Like nothing on the earth can hold you anymore, no one but her." Jacob stopped "What does this have to do with me?" I asked "I... imprinted on you Bella."

Jacob's POV.

"I... Imprinted on you Bella." I looked over to her and she was deep in thought, then she looked up at me, Bella gave me a small smile. "So, I'm your Soul Mate, right?" she asked me in a small voice. I just nodded and Bella's smile grow wider. "it doesn't have to be like Sam and Emily. It's just that when you see her, suddenly it's not the Earth holding you here anymore. She does. Nothing matters more then her... you become whatever she needs you to be, whether that's a protector, a lover, a friend, a brother. She will get a choice, if she doesn't want him, well she long as she's happy he'll be fine. But he was designed for her alone but in the end it's your choice Bella." I closed my eyes I don't really know, how she'll answer.

But as long as she's happy why could I object, if she doesn't want me. Then I heard one of the most wonderful sounds in the world: Bella's giggle. When I looked at her, she had moved closer, our faces just inches away from each other. I moved a little closer to her. Bella's eyes were bright and wide, I couldn't hold it any more I had to close the gap.

My lips met hers, they were soft and smooth. At first, I thought she was going to pull away but she didn't. her hands became entangled in my hair, she pressed her lips more firmly against mine. One of my hands went to her hair and the other her waist. I lifter her up so she was on my lap. We both had to pull away for air, when we did we both layed our foreheads together. "We should get going, the Guys would be getting worried." After we untangled, Bella got into the driver's seat. "where are we going? And do the others know that you Imprinted on me?"

"One: where we used to ride and then from their we're going to Emily's House she Sam's fiancé. Two: yes, they do, but they only found out this morning because last night they wouldn't listen that's why you had to guess what the secret was, sorry. Fun fact Werewolves can hear each other's thought's and see each other's memoires. When we're wolf's though, so yeah, they know that I Imprinted on you Bells and there's something that I need to ask you, okay?"

"Sure, sure." I smiled because she got that off of me. "Do you want to be my Girlfriend?" I asked her. "Yes!" she squeaked, then blushed a soft light pink rose color, that made my insides turn to mush. "I really need to say this: Bella I've been in love with you, ever since I first layed eyes on you, even since then I couldn't stop thinking about you, I love you Isabella Swan." When I finished I had to take a deep breath.

I heard Bella's breath hitch, when she stopped the truck, where we used to ride. I got out and opened Bella's door for her. She jumped into my arms and pressed her lips to my cheek, then whispered. "I love you, too Jacob Black." I smiled and looked down at the girl in my arms. Then I heard the Guys coming. I grabbed hold of Bella's hand and start to walk up to where we're going to meet up with he Guys. When they walked Embry, Paul and Jared busted out laughing, Sam just smiled. Embry called out. "so ya finally told Bella? Congrats, Jake." My smile just only got bigger, when I looked down at Bella, she asked. "which one's Paul and Jared?"

I smiled and then I whispered to her. "Paul's the one on the far left, then Sam, Embry and finally Jared." She just nodded. "okay Jacob, what's the information that you wanted to tell us?" I took a deep breath because I couldn't believe that the Redhead was after my girl. "the redhead, she is trying to avenge her mate, only it wasn't the black-haired leech we killed. The Cullen's got her mate last year, and now she's after Bella now." I held Bella's hand more tightly in my hand Bella cleared her throat.

"Let me explain Victoria is the Vampire you're after, James her mate tried to kill me. It was like a game to him. He lost. Jake do you remember last spring when I was in the Hospital down in Phoenix?" I nodded. "he's the one who put me there if it weren't for the Cullen's I'd be dead. James bit me and one of the Cullen's sucked the venom out." Bella looked down after she finished. I couldn't believe that a leech, no three leeches have tried to kill her now.

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