Chapter 10

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I'm sorry that I haven't updated in a while. I hope this makes up for it.
Deku's POV:
I heard a few screams as I fell.
Then I hit the ground.
Everything went black.
Then I opened my eyes.
Am I suuposed to be able to do that?
"Where am I?" I wondered out loud
"You are here." Answered a voice
I turned and looked.
It was All Might. He was big again.
"All Might what happened?"
"You jumped off a building"
"Well what happened after?"
"You were brought to the hospital."
"What about my friends?"
"They are all currently sobbing. Your mom is ten times worse. Everyone in your class is worried young Midorya. And the girl you saved- Eri. She has it almost as bad as your mom. She hasn't eaten or slept. She is at your side during all of visiting hours. She looks like she's dead if I'm going to be honest."
My heart shattered.
"That's awful."
" It is. But now it's my turn to ask something. Why did you jump?"
"I-I felt really bad about what I did to Eri. And-and Bakugo is being awful to me. Even more so now. I overheard his conversation with Aizawa and he's right. If anything happens to her it's my fault."
I hung my head.
"Look Midorya. Yes you messed up. But by trying to kill yourself everyone feels worse. And remember how you always say that you got to where you are today because of the support of the people around you?"
"Well think about it like this. If you were to die then what would happen to One for All? My legacy would die. And all the help you were given by Uraraka and Ida. All of that was for nothing. And how your mom always cared and loved you. All of that. Down the drain. Look kid. One mistake does not define you. It never will. I know that you are a good person with a good heart. And that you would not want to hurt anybody."
I began to cry. I had never thought about it like that.
"Now you choose."
"Choose what?"
"You can choose to live, or to die."
I was flabbergasted.
"I get to choose?"
"Yes. Now what will it be?"
" I-I choose to live."
"Great. Now, wake up"
Eri's POV:
I was with Deku for the third day after his attempt. I really missed him. The nurses say that he probably won't survive.
And I'm scared
I need Deku.
He's my best friend. And I love him.
Then something happened.
His heart monitor was beginning to slow down.
No no no no Deku!
Three nurses ran in. They did a bunch of things like checking his pulse and stuff. I began to panic. Was he going to make it? Come on Deku. Stay strong.
Then he flatlined.
All of a sudden his pulse increased at a rapid pace. What's going on?
Then his eyes shot open.
"DEKU!" I yelled.
I ran over to his bed and gave him a big hug. The nurses had to rip me off of him to check his vitals.
I grabbed my phone and texted the group chat.
Urakara:IM ON MY WAY
Bakugo:I'll get the rest of the Bakusquad and we can be at the front of the hospital in ten mins
Momo: I'm already in the parking lot. Hurry guys
I put down my phone and waited.
600 words. I'm sorry this chapter sucked. I just can't focus with the election tonight and everything. So I'm sorry this is awful I will make the next one better.
That's all for now! Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk!

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