Chapter 6

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So I'm bored so I'm gonna update again. Enjoy!
Eri's POV:
It's was five AM and my alarm went off. I groaned and was about to his snooze when I remembered that I was going to hang out with the Bakusquad at six. I jumped out of bed and got dressed quickly. I almost forgot to put on a sweatshirt but as I walked out I noticed that I was still wearing a short sleeve shirt. I quickly changed into a pair of ripped jeans with a black sweatshirt from 5 sos. Then raced out the door not wanting to be late to meet my friends.
"Hey Eri!" Said Kirishima
"You were almost late we were getting worried." Whined Mina
"Sorry. But I'm here now. Let's go I need caffeine"
Skip to the cafe
We had all ordered our drinks and took a seat.
"What do we have today?" Asked Sero
"Well first we have history. Then we have combat. Then lunch. Then we have art. Then a break. Then a special class with Aizawa." Responded Kirishima
"Oh hey, I get to come to classes today!" I said excitedly
"That's right!" Screamed Mina.
I guess she was a little too our because we got quite a few looks. Not that I gave a crap.
"Hey during combat training could one of you teach me a few moves that don't involve quirks? Like some kicks or something?"
"I can." Offered Kaminari, "I have to work on those types of things too so maybe we can help each other."
"Sure, sounds good!"
Bakugo looked down at his phone.
"Aw shit we gotta go or we will miss  history. It's almost seven and classes start at seven fifteen."
"Wait before we go, we should add Eri to the group chat." Stated Sero.
"Good idea" agreed Mina "What's you number?"
"Thanks! Adding you now andddddddd.... DONE!"
"Thanks Mina! Now lets go before we get in trouble."
Time skip to history (Aizawa is subbing today)
"Hi. Today we are learning about the discovery of quirks. But first I would like to welcome Eri to class 1-A."
He spoke with so little energy that He might as well have been sleep talking. When he sat down applause broke out from the Bakusquad. Even Bakugo was clapping. The applause spread to everyone in the class. Even Deku started clapping. I gave him the finger (also learned this from Bakugo) and the caterpillar began class.
Blasty Boi's POV:
This class was hella boring. Everyone knew about the first quirk discovery. And the caterpillar didn't exactly make things better. He sounded like he was dead. So i began to doodle my future husband. I guess it was obvious that I wasn't paying attention because Aizawa called on me.
"Bakugo what was the first discovered quirk?"
"There was a baby that gave off light."
Honestly these questions were things I knew when I was 5. The only person in this class that doesn't know this stuff is Eri. Oh that's right Eri is here now. She looks confused. So I write her a note and passed it to her.  It says this:
Hey Eri, u look confused. Wanna study with the Bakusquad later today? At the library. _ Yea _No thanks
She smiled at it. Then tossed it back.
_ Yea
Was circled. It's nice to have anther person in the squad. Now i would say that Mina now has someone to do all her girlie stuff with but I feel like Eri is the kind of person who would rather do a paintball game or other things like that.
Time Skip to Lunch bc i have class in 9 mins.
Eri's POV:
I walked over to an empty table. Even if I was friends with the Bakusquad now I didn't think they would like me coming uninvited to their lunch table. I sat down and began to eat. Today I had a ham and cheese sandwich. As I began to work on my history homework someone came and tapped my shoulder. It was Sero.
"Hey you are a part of the Bakusquad now. You know you can eat with us too right?"
I nearly choked on the bread.
"I-I can?"
"Of course! Come on. We are waiting."
I walked over to their table and I am still in shock. These guys are treating me like equals. I always assumed that they would talk down to me. I was having a blast. It's nice to have friends that break the rules sometimes.
"Hey dipshit." Said Bakugo
"Hey asshole" I greeted him
"Ohhh Eri has a mouth" Mina teased
"I get it from him" gesturing to Bakugo.
"Bakugo be a better example" said Kirishima jokingly
"Oh shut it babe"
Mina swooned. She really is an intense sucker for love.
"Awwwww you guys are adorable. Just kiss already"
"Okay watch me" Bakugo responded
He leaned across the table and kissed Kirishima on the lips.
Mina shrieked with glee.
"Gosh Mina your so loud." Said Sero
The bell rang.
"Time for art!" Said Kirishima
"Yes! Let's go!" Exclaimed Bakugo
"Bakugo I didn't take you as a very artistic person." I said
"Well i am, come on shit head."
"I'm coming!"
875 words. I'm sorry it sucks. I have to get to class. I hope you like it!

That's all for now! Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk!

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