Chapter 2

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Just a note: I have two big projects due tomorrow so this chapter will be kinda short. I apologize in advance.
Deku's POV:
After leaving Eri's room I went to talk to Kirishima. I thought he would be a good person to talk to seeing as he was a part of the rescue.
I knocked on the door and he answered within seconds. I was honestly surprised. He usually takes much longer.
"Oh hey Midoriya" He greeted me
His face had fallen a bit. I think he was expecting someone else.
"Sorry to barge in on you like this" I began, " But its about Eri"
"It's fine man, come on in."
"I'm worried about her"
"Why ?" He seemed genuinely puzzled. I forgot that he was with Fatgum and didn't see the battle.
"She seemed kinda off yanno?"
"Well could it be about what happened with Overhaul? She did feel pretty guilty about it at the hospital. And she stil doesn't even know about Knighteye dying."
" Oh yea." Was all I could come up with. Even though I didn't know Nighteye for long I still felt enormous grief.
"Dude you have to tell her sooner or later" Kirishima said bluntly
" I'm aware of that" I snapped back, now on the verge of tears.
"Ah I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound like that but the longer you wait to tell her the more it will hurt when you do."
"How are you always right?" I asked
"I'm not always right I'm just trying to think how Eri would. Imagine having someone die on a mission to save you. You would probably feel like crap too."
"You know what you are right." I said, " Ill tell her tomorrow. I don't wanna mess up tonight for her.'
"Oh yea the sleepover I totally forgot!" Said Kirishima.
I could hear the excitement in his voice.
"Hey Kirishim- ''
I was cut off by a knock at the door. Kirishima stood up fast and jogged to the door a smile growing at his face. It was Bakugo at the door.
Bakugo's POV:
I walked into Kiri's room to see Deku on his floor. He looked sad almost. I bet it was about that Eri kid. She seemed to be troubling Kiri too.
"Hey Kirishima" I said, "Hi Deku"
The nerd looked shocked.
"Kachan d-did you just treat me like a human?"
Ohhhh that's why.
" Tch don't get used to it looser. Get out." I snarled trying to regain my usual attitude.
"Well that lasted long" mumbled Kiri as Deku ran out of the room.
"Oh shut up Kiri."  I said, "I brought you a present but I wont give it to you unless you are nice."
"Ooooooo what is it?" Kiri squealed like a child.
"Idiot, what are you five?" I began, " I got you ice cream its in the freezer but we should probably go eat it before Kaminari finds it."
" You're right he will eat anything in there."
We walked to he common room to find Mina, Tsu, and Sero sitting at a table. They looked like they were having fun.
Mina's POV:
"Here's what we have so far," I read off of a list. "So first we will do a dance party. Then maybe have a snack break, but that depends on how people are feeling. Next we can do a movie, maybe a Disney one just to piss off Bakugo. Then we will play Truth or Dare. Only if you say no you have to give five yen to everyone in class."
"Sounds good" Agreed Tsu.
"Great go get your stuff packed because it's almost time for dinner and the sleepover starts right after.
613 Words. Sorry guys I know its not great but if I don't get back to homework I will fail English. Go check out SpiritWolf098 Her work is really amazing!
Question of the chapter, Who is your favorite BNHA character? Mine is a tie between Kiri and Uraraka.
That's all for now! Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk!

I'm Sorry DekuHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin