Chapter One

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This chapter will include mentions of rape and abuse. Here is a quick summary of the chapter if you don't want to read it.

Eri was at the dorms taking a nap. She has been having nightmares and had one that reenacted one of her beatings. She then woke up in a cold sweat and heard her classmates yelling. Then she saw the TV and the battle between Endeavor and the Nomu. To raise Todoroki's mood class 1-A decides to have a sleepover.

Eri's POV:

 I was in the dark. In my cell I think. Everything was a little blurred. Then I heard the door open. My heart dropped to my feet. Was it him- what was he going to do this time- did he bring his "friends" again?? I was starting to freak out. I wanted to go home. But then i remembered- This was my home. This is just the price I have to pay for the shelter and food I am given. But if I'm being honest I would rather them throw me out on the street then keep me here. 

"Hello darling" 

It was him. Overhaul. His words sounded kind of slurred. Then I realized. He was drunk. Not very drunk but he sure as hell didn't sound sober.

"H-hi sir" I stuttered in almost a whisper. 

I knew where this was headed. He started walking closer to me pushing me into the wall. I began to tremble.

" S-Sir p-please" I begged him" I-I was g-good a-all day"

"Do I look like I care" He said his voice growing louder. 

"B-but sir p-please do-"

I was cut off by  stinging pain across my cheek. He slapped me. That was new. He usually never resorted to violence towards me.

"Shut up or no food for a week!" He spat.

"yes sir" I replied- defeated

" Now be a good girl for daddy, okay?"

I tried my best to stay quiet as he pushed me to the floor. Tears silently came streaming down my face as he began to take off my dress. 

By the time he began removing his own clothes i was stifling sobs. Then he straddled me and said, " If you be a good girl then maybe my friends won't come tomorrow how does that sound?"

But Overhaul didn't wait for a reply.

I shot up in bed, tears rolling down my cheeks and covered in a cold sweat.

I began rocking back and forth in my bed. 

"It was just a dream. It was just a dream. I-it was just a dream." My voice cracked and I broke down in sobs. This was one of the worst ones yet. I was usually able to wake up near the beginning of the dream, so why didn't I this time? 

I checked my phone- It was 3:14 in the afternoon. Then I heard yelling coming from the common room. I went against my better judgment and decided to see what all of the commotion was. 

When I entered the room it was chaos. Todoroki was kneeling on the ground on the verge of tears. The Bakusquad was cheering at the TV. 

It looked like something major had happened. I walked up to Todoroki

"Are you okay what happened?" I asked him. I was worried. Nobody had ever seen him cry. Ever.

" Oh hey Eri.  I just- my dad- he- holy shit- i-"  Then he gave in and began to sob. I gave him a hug and Deku noticed.

"Oh my gosh Todoroki are you okay" He asked quietly and joined the hug

I think we got peoples attention and soon all of class 1-A was in a major group hug. Even Mr. Aizwa. 

After a few seconds people began to peel out of the hug. I didn't mind it though even though human contacts can scare me sometimes. It seemed to help Todoroki.

"Hey man are you okay?" asked Kaminari

"Yea thanks guys" Then Todoroki's phone began to ring.

"It's my mom" he said, " Be right back."

"Poor guy" said Mina in a hushed voice. "Wait I know how we can lift his spirits"

"How" asked Kirishima

"Well" began Mina, "What if tonight we had a class 1-A sleepover?"

"Thats a great idea!" said Momo

"Yea it is!"agreed Sero

So our class was going to have a sleepover. I had never had one before so i was very exited. I was in my room before dinner getting ready for the sleepover when Deku walked in.

"Hey Eri" he said, "Are you exited for the sleepover?"

"You bet I am!" I replied, "Wait, I have a question."

"Yeah what is it?" he replied

" What happens at a sleepover?" 

"Oh," He responded, "Well usually you play games and eat food with your friends. But Mina is planning it so there will probably be a twist. Maybe like Truth or Dare. I honestly don't know. This is my first sleepover too"

"Wait really?" I asked

" Yeah, I never really had that many friends growing up so I never had anyone to have a sleepover with."


" Yes Eri"

"Are we friends" I asked in a whisper.

"Of course we are silly!" He replied with a grin.

"Really???" I was shocked. 

"Always" he said, " You know who else is you friend?"

"Who?" I asked

" Everyone in class 1-A, Lemmilion, Tamaki, Nejire."

"Really" again I was in shock

"Yes. I promise." 

869 Words! Not bad. I hope you liked this chapter. I am open to suggestions if anyone has ideas. Question of the chapter. If you were in BNHA what do you think your quirk would be? I think mine would be the ability to shape shift nonliving things. Because I love to use clay and do pottery. 

Thats all for now! Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk!

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