Chapter 9

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Time skip to getting ice cream

Eri's POV:

"Can I have some vanilla ice cream with chocolate sprinkles please?"

"Sure, here you go!"

"Thanks sir."

I walked over to the counter to pay but Sero stopped me.

"Hey I'm taking you on a date. So i pay."

"But the rest of the Bakusquad are here though."

"It's a triple date?" He asked

I began to laugh. He might be really weird but he sure is funny.

"I can take you on a proper date tomorrow if you want." he sugested

"Sure I would love to!"

We went to go sit with the rest of our friends. Mina got a sherbert icecream and was eating it like there was no tomorrow. I swear she got a large cone less then five minets ago but it's almost halfway gone.

"Damn Mina you good there?" I asked jokinly

"Mhmm" She answered her mouth full of ice cream.

Kaminari had taken two spoons and was now trying to make them stay on his nose. It was funny to wach him try.

Kirishima was trying to feed Bakugo his ice cream but Bakugo wouldnt go for it. He kept his mouth closed.

"Hey Bakugo" I said

"What E-ahh"

Kirishima took the opertunity to shove an ice cream cone in Bakugo's mouth.

Kaminari fell over laughing. There were only two other people in the ice cream shop so we didnt get as many weird looks as we usually do when we were out in public.

Blasty Boi's POV:

After being assulted by my boyfriend my phone buzzed. It was the caterpillar.

"Hey guys Ill be right back I need to take this."

"Okay Bakubro!" said Kirishima

I walked over to the other side of the parlor and answered.


"Bakugo I need you to meet me in my office at five pm. Does that work with you?"

"Tch fine."

I hung up right after then i checked the time.

It was four thirty. I probably had ten more minutes.

I walked back over to the table and sat down.

"I need to go in ten minutes. The caterpillar needs me at five."

"Aw man. That stinks." Eri fake pouted

"Oh shut up Eri!"

I made small explosions to try and intimitade her. And she just laughed.

Time skip to Bakugo meeting Aizawa

"You neede me?"

"Yes I wanted to talk about Eri."

"What about her?" I was getting suspicious.

"You seem to be having a big influence on the girl. And not exactly a good one. She has been using more profanity and being more impatient and rude. Look Bakugo I have nothing against you or any of your frinds. I just think that Eri would be better off hanging out with Midoya and Ida and Uraraka. They are more tame and kind."

"So you are saying that I'm a bad friend?"

"No, not at all. I just want you to think about the influence you have on Eri."

"What are you implying that Deku could do better? Because that damn nerd is the reason she is hanging out with us. If he hadnt kept that sectret from her for so long then maybe she would not be in this situation. If anything this is all Deku's fault."

Deku's POV:

I was walking to go ask Mr. Aizawa about today's homework. I missed class because of my injury so I didnt understand the work.

Then I heard a firmilliar voice. Kachcan.

"... that damn nerd is the reason she is hanging out with us. If he hadnt kept that sectret from her for so long then maybe she would nt be in this situation. If anything this is all Deku's fault."

He's right. If anything happned to Eri I would be to blame. I need to make this right. Maybe I could apoligise. Maybe- oh who am I kidding she would not forgive me.

Why should she? I was awful to her.

I was a bad friend. But how could I fix this?

What could i do to make it up to her?

Trigger Warning
What If I cant?
Maybe I should just kill mysekf.
Maybe then she would forgive me.
That's not a bad idea actually.
I wonder how I could though.
Oh of course!
I know what I'm going to do. I know how I can make it up to Eri.
Time skip to the next day in home room
I wrote a note and gave it to Todoroki. It said this:
Hey please pass this to someone else after you read it. I want to show the class a trick today during lunch. Please come to the front of the dorm building. I would like the whole class to be there.
"Hey Todoroki?"
"Yeah Midorya?"
"Can you not say it was from me? I want Eri to come but I know she won't If she think's its from me."
"Sure Midorya!"
As the note got passed around the room I heard murmurs
"Wonder who it's from?"
"I'm going, this should be good."
"I'm exited to find out who it is."
I smiled to myself. They were right. This should be good.
Time skip to Lunch
I was already on the building. Just waiting for people to arrive. I had already planned what I would say right before I jumped. I borrowed  a mic from Present Mic. I had set up speakers.
As I lost myself In thought everyone else came over.
I spotted Eri in the crowd. And I smiled. Today was the day I would make things right. Then everyone would be happy again.
I leaned over the building so my face was visible. I heard a few gasps from down below.
"Hey guys!"
Eri started to walk away.
"Eri come back. This is for you. I feel really bad about what I did to you and I was trying to think of what I could do to make it up to you. So I realized that there was nothing. But. I thought of one thing that I could maybe do to make you forgive me. Eri, I want you to know that I love you."
And then I jumped.
1038 words. AHHHH I'm sorry I'm sorry please don't kill me. I'll update soon. But now I'm conflicted. Idk if I should make him die or not. Plz comment if u have an idea cuz I'm kinda stumped. Also thank you @Nomar-kun for the suggestion. I am very grateful cuz I was hella stumped. Now please don't kill me.
That's all for now! Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk!

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