Chapter 5 // Always By My Side

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Then i started to remember what happened before.

Maybe this is the perfect time to tell Sasuke that i love him?

I started to open my eyes, and saw a single teardrop coming from Sasuke. He really was crying over me... I dont know how to feel, but it felt good to see Sasuke caring about me.

I was still feeling so cold, i can't feel my fingers or body. It was so hard to stand up but i tried..

-''Um hey Sasuke?'' i said while trying to stand up more.

Sasuke's eyes widened in shocked and held me even thighter than before, if he keeps doing this i'll soon pass out...I hope he's blind enough to not to see me blush.

He started to shake but i dont know its because he's scared or happy.


I hugged him. I dont know why but my body moved on its own. But feeling him right next to me, this close made me tear up, because of happines. I liked him when he's near me, i like feeling his presence with me. And i didn't even realized this up until today. I soon felt a bit warmer but it was getting colder outside, i was feeling like i was about to pass out so i just needed Sasuke at that time. Or else i'll really die.

-''Sasuke...W-we need to g-go to a warmer p-place..'' i tried to say but i was freezing so it was real hard to speak.

{Sasuke's POV }

SHE HUGGED ME. That was the best feeling i've ever experienced til today. I liked feeling her right beside me. I liked her presence and everything. But the hug didn't last too long. She was still freezing and i needed to make her warm.

-''Sasuke...W-we need to g-go to a warmer p-place..''

She tries so hard to talk so i better hurry...Seeing her in this bad condition broke my heart. This was all my fault. I shouldn't have left her behind me.

-'' (Y/N), i'll find you a warm place.Just hold on me and try to stay warm.''

-''Trust me. I'll save you.''

I held her in my arms and wrapped her body with my coat. Now i am the freezing one but it didn't even matter.

I started to carry her while running. It was getting dark but i can't lose my hope. Not yet.

I sometimes heard (Y/N) say 'Sasuke...' several times. It broke my heart even more seeing her trying to live.

I won't forgive myself for this. Ever.

After running for miles, i saw a wooden hut which was small but looked fine.

-'' I'll take care of you. Wait for a second.'' i whispered to (Y/N) while entering to the hut.

It was desolated so there was no one in there. It was now midnight so we needed to sleep, especially (Y/N) needs to rest and get warm.

I looked around the small but useful hut, there was a little table and a chair next to itself. I soon found a thick blanket and some pillows. They seemed clean but to make it sure, i wiped them by myself.

I put (Y/N) onto the blankets and put another blanket on her, tried to make her warm.

But it didn't seem to work. She still seemed so freezing and sick. Her fingers were still purple too.

-'' (Y/N) Do you feel warmer? Should i get more blankets?''

She didn't answer me, it looked like she was struggling a lot to move.

Then i remembered that she needs to get off those clothes or else she'll get sick. This idea made me slightly blush and unexpectedly smirk... Gosh she's in pain right now but i'm smirking. Just how much worse can i be?

I walked beside (Y/N) and sat down next to her. I needed to take her permission before doing this.

{(Y/N)'s POV}

He put some blankets onto me, but little does he know that i should get out of these wet clothes? Gosh he's making me go crazy i swear. I wanted to tell him but my mouth wont move. I was still freezing and i couldn't move my lips.

-'' (Y/N) Do you feel warmer? Should i get more blankets?'' he asked me.

I had no sense on my lips so i couldn't give an answer to his question. But inside myself, i was begging him to make me get rid of these cold and wet clothes. I dont care about getting embarrased or something, i'm freezing to death right now.

He started to walk to me and sat right beside me. Then asked me the question that i was waiting for.

-'' (Y/N), you need to get out of those wet clothes. Do you allow me to do that? Or you'll seriously get worse and i dont want that to happen. If you can't speak right now, just move or do something so that i can understand.''

854 words.


HEHE I UPDATED AGAIN♡︎maybe i'll finish this fic today but i dont know yet. So how was this chapter? I found it so touchy and exciting tbh. Comment your opinions about the book so that i can improve myself!

Next chapter's gonna be more fluff i swear ;(

ALSO THANK YOU FOR 21 READS LOL it means so much to me, i didn't even expect 1 person to read this book but THANK YOU SO MUCH❤︎

Its currently 00.00 in my country, i wont sleep yet so i'm planning to upgrade again but i dont know when. But i promise i'll upgrade in few hours!! Stay alert for it trust me the next chapters gonna be hella fine :D

See ya!!♡'・ᴗ・'♡

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