Chapter 10

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 I want to dedicate this Chapter to one of my favorite writers on wattpad, if not the favorite writer on wattpad. Check out Getting Over Matt, it's legit. 

Chapter 10:

  Taking careful steps, as we both got up to his room, my eyes finally meet with an old door having its old wood covered by a big poster that carries an eye in it, with eyelashes having the rays of the sun, and a color surrounding it, close to the sky's color before it reaches up the heavens' serene blue color. I am staring deeply at the eye that is seeing through me, as I stand here; trying to figure out the mystery it holds.

   "Should we get in?" Zayn asks, standing on my right. I dart my vision away from the drawing, and focus on Zayn, who has his hands tucked in his front pockets and his stare seems to be unread.

   "Yeah," I put a hair behind my ear quickly, trying to erase the uneasiness that is overwhelming me because of one captivating picture glued to a door. "Yeah," I repeat, whispering, and then Zayn's hand gets in contact with the brass door knob before swaying the door wide open to reveal a dark room in front of me. I take a step inside, before him and he follows my step. Honestly, my pace is as slow as a turtle's, almost as if I place pressure on my steps the wooden floor might break anytime soon. "You live in an attic?" I whisper, but still making sure he'd hear my question.

   "Welcome to Zion." Zayn says the moment the lights turn on to reveal a wide room. A normal sized table sits in a corner to my right, with brushes of different shapes and sizes, inked water, a palette and many other things I am not really aware of. In the middle is a mattress with a woolen brown cover on it, and two soft looking pillows. On the left, next to the mattress that is on the floor, I can see canvas rolls opened in half as the paper drags along to meet the mattress' side. A few rolls are messily placed aside in a corner, while a few painted pictures are carefully placed on walls, if not on the floor as well.

   I nod, "Zion," I say making my way to the table that is carrying the tools needed to draw. "The kingdom of heaven," I run two fingers on one of the brushes, enjoying the smooth feeling. As if touching a cloud from a heaven I've never been to.

   "Exactly," he chuckles and walks over to where I am standing. "So, we only have two hours, right?" He asks and I quickly nod as I hum in response. "Okay then, for the project, I was thinking we'd picture Fairview filled with bunnies and unicorns." His tone was serious, making me cough at what he just said.

   "You're serious?" I part my lips, shocked at what a crazy idea he has in mind.

"Na," he pouts, and takes walks over to his mattress in order to remove his red and black jacket off . "I'm just kidding," he admits – I hope.

   "I was thinking of portraying sadness, by colors." I suggest, and I study how he takes his lower lip between his teeth, while his eyes are fixed on nothing and stays quite for a minute. He nods slowly, then looking back at me with a smiles forming on his lips.

  "I got an idea." He says, his smile extending from an ear to an ear.

   "You mean that you did not have an idea until now?" I cock an eyebrow at him, worried that we might not have enough time to finish the project that is due tomorrow.

   I should have expected that leaving this project for a last minute is quite a ridiculous idea, but with the exams for the first half are near it was very hard to manage both my exams, physiotherapy and art projects. Although this project is, as well, very important for our final grade if we want to graduate.  

   "Come here," Zayn says, and then pulls a chair out and places it right next to the mattress that's on the floor.

   "What are you doing?"

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