Chapter 9

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 Chapter 9:     

   Sometimes you wake up unaware of what is going on around you; you wish that moments you have had in the past could never return, not now, and not ever… Times, you just wish moments would play history on and on whether it was good, as to savor the beautiful sensation you've had, or bad in hopes of learning in the upcoming future.

       Frankly, time was just a normal friend for me, nothing to really do, nor to bother me, as I was slowly healing, especially since realizing Christmas was Just around the corner… Granted, the pain came and went, but I knew how to stand strong on my feet; well that is if I wanted to finish my last senior year peacefully.   

   My father  had returned from his work back in the states, mom was trying her best to accommodate to his presence once again, and well Trevor and I were trying our best to shut everything around us and focus on our personal lives. But it is in times like this, where I genuinely love being outside my house, working on school projects with my friends or classmates, whatever matches my criteria honestly.

      "Hey, Ray?" Laura says, bringing me back into reality after I had drifted off in my own thoughts.

 "Yeah?" I ask, chewing the lid of my blue pen as I dart my vision back to my work book that is filled with drunken numbers and graphs of y and x.

   "Pass me the calc, I can't seem to work this one out." She frustratingly says, nearly ripping the hair on her head out. Nodding, still trying my best to finish the last exercise of my homework, I pass her the calculator but minutes after that, her sister Lauren decides to barge in on us.

   "Hey, Laura?" Lauren chirps aloud, moving her hands up and down her slim figure.

 "Yes, Lauren?" Laura sighs, frustration tagging along her words.

 "Do you think your clutch would go with my outfit?" Lauren then asks, motioning her hands up and down the black and white short dress that was hugging her figure.

  I look to my right, as to see Laura rolling her eyes, before pursing her lips together to form a fake smile. "Yeah!" Her tone seemed loud enough to aware me of her disturbance. "It's in my closet." She points her pen at her closet and Lauren walks over while I examine her figure from head to toe. She looks good, but I really am not sure she looks December good.

        I decided not to get back on my working since I put a note in the back of my head that Lauren might desire to stay a little bit more than predicted as to snicker around and mess with her sister's stuff until she decides on what she needs.

   "Ugh," I hear Lauren groan in the background and I temptingly turn around in my seat to see Lauren placing her hands on her hips, with a tight expression on her visage

   "What?" Laura asks, her tone is neutral.

  "This isn't the clutch that I was talking about…" She chews the inside of her cheek and Laura nods, and as I am assuming, she hates her life at this very moment.

   "Oh," Laura finally says, whispering. "You mean the new clutch?" She sounds … bitter.

  "Yup," Lauren amusingly replies and I study how Laura's big brown eyes widen with disturbance.

 "The one that I still did not use yet?" Laura drags along and I mentally pray that she might be mistaken.

  "Yup," Lauren nods, this time her face shows no emotions at all.

 "Fine," Laura closes her text book and marches towards her bed before stopping next to her night stand. She opens her drawer and pulls out a little shoe box that is covered with a plastic bag that reads "GAP" on it. "Here you go." She throws the box on her bed and marches back to where she was seated a minute ago.

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