Chapter 13

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Dedicating to @Jpsbrl because she's legit.

Keep voting and sharing and commenting so that I can be ranked :) x

Chapter 13:

 I don’t want to fall apart, and I don’t want to break down and drown myself in tears I know that I will regret tomorrow. I can’t avoid everyone and I am so tired of running away from falling in love because I see the only two people, which I’ve loved since I was a toddler, fall out of love with every changing day.

   I can’t pretend that it will be okay, when I know that with every step they both take away from each other it will drown me even further, even deeper, and I just detest it. They think that we’re too naïve, and too blind sighted to notice how drifted they are and how distanced they seem to be even when they’re right next to each other. On top of it all... I’m tired of watching him insult her and then butter it up with a gift or a soft kiss before it all falls apart again.

   And I miss being alive, and I miss the taste of love – all sort of love. A love I cannot find anywhere anymore, a love I’m afraid of accepting if it rests in front of me, and served on a golden plate. Frankly, I’m afraid of loving because of a family I’ve never had but only desired.

  Sometimes … I think that the people around me are blessed and lucky, but whenever I’m aware of a story that happened in the borders of their homes, I just pause my feet on the ground and look back to the days I thought that those people where the ‘it’ couple. But no, not really, behind the masqueraded blue sky, a thunder is ready to shatter all of life’s hopes and dreams of one’s being.

   Just a few days for the winter break and I swear I cannot believe that I am praying it will pass by quickly, and that’s because my father will be home on the 19th and having my grandfather spending the holiday with us as a cherry on top.

  Just a few days and I have this gut feeling that it will end up worse than expected.

   “So, I think Richard likes me,” Laura chirps from the other side of the line. I press the phone between my shoulder and my ear while I search for my little note book so that I could draw whatever pops on my mind.

  “Richard?” I mutter as I raise an eyebrow in confusion. “You mean, Richard from your chemistry class?”

  “Yes, I guess we got this chemistry going on between us,” she giggles and I can’t help but laugh at her statement.

 “I should get to know him then,” I tell her, teasing.

   “Yes!” She squeals out loud and I pull them phone away from my ear as I cringe at the drill that’s in my ear because of that high pitch of hers.  “I’ll need your blessing in case anything happens between us.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” I wave a hand off in the air, “you know that if he treats you wrong, I treat him worse, and if he seems off, I will tell you directly. I mean you do trust me, right?”

“I know, Ray-ray, I know,” she whispers and I smile at her sweet words, “and I love you for that.”

“I know that,” I roll my eyes and even though I know she won’t be able to see it, at least I am still allowed to do so.

 “Never mind, I’ll take back what I said,” she titters and I fall on my bed as I laugh silently at her. “Anyways, I have to hang up, feel better so we could do something tomorrow.”

“I will be, I promise,” I tell her, my smile is still drawing my visage and then hang up before I stroll for my door. I exit the room and notice Trevor standing in front of my room, with his pillow in his both of his folded hands, and his little fire truck pajama covering his slim figure. “Trevor, what’s wrong?” I furrow my eyebrows together at his sudden sight.

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