Chapter 8

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Chapter 8:

   Having an irksome slumber could be the next curse in this sphere. A new day and a new cup of coffee being served somewhere in this world, I woke up with different sorts of pain pinching my every fracture as I tried to stretch my arm carefully in the air. The timing on my phone really shocks me, as it reads "6:10 a.m."

        "Really?" I groan, and slightly slap my forehead before I move my buttocks to let my legs dangle off bed. Praying that my body would go easy on me today, I made my way to the bathroom and wrapped my casted leg and arm and aimed for the shower. After all, I dearly needed something to open the pores of my skin, and rejuvenate my lifeless body.

    With this being done, and then struggling to dress on my own, I end up wearing black loose track pants, and a white jumper before I finally make my way to mom's bedroom to check whether she is inside or somewhere in the house chasing after Trevor to go to school.

        According to mom, Trevor hated Thursday because he nearly had all the unnecessary subjects, such as PE, History, French, et cetera. You know the drill. "Mom." I softly tap on her bedroom door, and within seconds she opens to reveal her messy hair sticking out from each side but dressing in her casual outfit for the day.

   "You're up early?" That is the first she says the moment she sees me pinned in-front of her door.

"Good morning, Raquel!" I say, trying to mimic her usual tone, and she starts laughing lightly. "You look beautiful, as always. You know you get that from my side of the family-"

"Okay, okay, you're right." She giggles and I shoot her a grin filled with triumph. "You do get that from my side of the family." She adds and I shake my head in defeat.

   "Morning, mom." I finally say, my smile plastered on my visage.

"Good morning baby, you need help getting downstairs?" She asks me and I nod.

   "Do you think I can go to school today?" I ask her, my voice coming out weak and filled with despair. She tilts her head to the left side and rests it on the door's frame, whilst she looks at me with worried eyes. "Mom, I woke up really early today, and the tutor comes tomorrow." I try convincing her, but she scoffs and crosses her arms together.

       "You think you can walk in school without falling on your butt, young lady?" She raises her eyebrow.

   "I cannot promise, but I'll try?" I shrug my shoulders while giving her a wondering look, and having my lips pressed together.

   "Fine," she unlocks her hands as she lets out a sigh on the way before walking inside her bedroom. "Get the books ready," she announces while untying her messed up hair, and tries to brush it quickly.

   Giving her a soldier's salute, I hop on my canes all the way to my room and start to put few books so that I am able to carry the bag on my undamaged shoulder.

"Ray!" I hear mom faintly yelling for me from the corridor. "Yeah?" I reply in the same tone, and zip the bag before trying to place it on my shoulder.

"Is Trevor up? It's almost 7!" She shouts back, and I roll my eyes at her question. She is asking me as if she knows I am able to walk these stairs alone without her help.

  "Obviously, not!" I inform her and exit my room and look for her before she meets my sight and walks towards my direction. "Right," she says, wrapping her arm around mine. "Sorry, let's wake your brother up then."

        After going downstairs to find my younger brother already up, in his school uniform, with the table set for the three of us, we quickly ate and rushed to get in the car to get to school on time. The ride was normal as always, with dropping Trevor first then heading to my school, we finally reach our destination. "You ready?" Mom pokes my side, and I giggle at her and then nodding in hopes she'd stop worrying this much.

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