Chapter 21

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Warning : Not well edited. Point at mistakes x

Chapter 21:

"Are you willing to talk this time?" My psychiatrist asks me, placing one leg over the other as she looks cautiously at me.

"Why?" I ask, the sarcasm is clear in my voice. "Why should I trust someone that I barely know? Someone who is staring at me like I'm a mental person, although I'm not? What is the point of sharing all my secrets and problems with someone who wants to help me because my parents are paying them?" I wipe a tear from my eye, and focus back on her, take in her features and mentally laugh at how presentable she looks because she earns money by helping people. Her straight red fair hair is falling carelessly on her shoulders, and that off-white cardigan and the black sharp skirt hugs her form very well; those things only discomfort me instead of helping me to trust her.

"Raquel, you do know that I don't pity you, and I'm going to stay in contact with you if you wish for that." She calmly says, and I bite my lip as I shake my head while the pain in my chest only grows more and more. "Your parents told me you're not going to school. Do you want to talk about that?"

"No, no, I really don't want to talk about anything as a matter of fact, Miss. Grace. I don't want to feel pressured to talk to you just because we're paying you to do that." I stifle a sob, and focus on the big cross that's placed on a shelf above of Mrs. Grace's head as the chills clutch onto my skin.

"We only have 5 minutes left," she sighs out in frustration, pinching the bridge of her nose with her two fingers. "You can give your parents a call if you want." She announces and I nod, before standing up and fixing my clothes properly.

"Thank you, but I could use the walk." I inform her, and she nods with sympathy shinning in her blue eyes before I make my way for the exit door.

"And, Raquel?" She says, allowing me to stop from opening the door and turning my head back to see her for one last time. "Please, take your medicines this time."

"Sure," I grit my teeth afterwards and push the door open for me to leave the empty hallway before rejoining the crisp cold air of January.

The days really went by ever so slow, and they were a bit easier with having Laura and Amanda and Zayn by my side. Although they're all clueless about what's going on in my life, but oblivion is a good friend for it kept them away from a black circle that only desired me, or else they would have known once upon a sad day.

I became aware of what true friendship means and what love truly means in this period time actually. Love ... It might last for the lucky but it won't end for the cursed and damned, although it might differ but it always has an ending. Love will always have its ending approaching us no matter how much we deny it. No matter how much we try to fight farewells, we will still receive a visit from them, and they will never be pleasant... ever.

After reaching my place, I ignore everyone inside the house. I make my way upstairs then into my room just so that I can avoid everyone, and everything that could cut my heart before opening it into two parts. I take out my sketchbook and skim through the drawings that fill the entire pages, and notice the little signatures Zayn left on the end of a few pages, in attempts of teasing me when I focused on drawing instead of joking around.

"Raquel?" I hear Trevor's faint voice traveling along with the soft taps he's leaving on my door. I sigh out, and then inhale carefully before placing the sketchbook aside and traipsing for the door.

"Hey, Trev." I smile at him weakly, and open the door a bit more so that he could enter. "Come in."

The minute I close the door, I feel Trevor's hands wrap around my waist as his head rests on my stomach. "I miss you," he whispers and my heart actually aches for him. I pat on his head, and kneel down to level with him.

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