Chapter 16

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Dedicated to IdRatherReadABook because her name is legit. Just kidding, because she deserves it :) Picture of Richard on the side - or up (depends what are you using atm.)

 Chapter 16:

  Let us stop playing pretend for a second and throw the cards on the table. Let us reveal our Jacks, Kings and Queens and see which one gets the two jokers, because whoever does has a luck I wouldn’t want to have – or maybe I do.  Maybe I do want to show everyone I own the jokers, because there are only two jokers in every deck - which means that it’s unique. Perhaps, my luck is unique, quite different from the rest of the human population’s luck, and I guess that is why people find it hard to believe in a life that does not belong to them; I believe it allows them to say: I know this is a lie, because I did not go through this, yet - add to that is the fact I haven’t been in a pair of shoes that don’t belong to me.

   This is why we have to pretend, because no one believes us and no one is willing to believe until they see the mask we’ve worn for a while fall apart, in which allows them to ask us for the reasons we’ve changed.

   ‘You’re not the same anymore’ is the first thing they note how our masks are fading away slowly.

I’ve always wanted them to know that I’ve always been this way whenever they weren’t around, because I had faith in the walls that surrounded me ever since I’ve came to this realization.

  Allow me to pretend that I hated my day with Laura, because people expect me to be sulking twenty-four – seven, listening to sad music with lyrics that allows the sober to drink and puts the tired to sleep.

That is what people think, right? 

 “You look good,” Laura announces, as I detach my eyes from the reflection in the mirror to look at Laura who is obviously not just going on a friendly dinner with Richard and I. I study the light make up she’s applied on, and the soft curls that peacefully rest on her shoulders as the loose woolen shirt covers her little figure, with dark denim jeans and beige boots to match her outfit. Where on the other hand, I stare down at myself, and compare the Adidas jumper I’m wearing to what she’s wearing, and make my way to the converse that I’ve worn, for many time that they’ve plead with me to give them a break.

I slightly smile at the way I dress up and then lift my head and smile wider at Laura, whose eyes are dancing with excitement and anticipation.

    For Laura, this night is quite important because she had the nerve to ask Richards out on a date, but not technically a date because she invited me and informed me that she told him that he was free to bring his friends along if he wanted. “You look like you have a date,” I wink and she bites her lower lip, trying to hide her smile from crawling on the surface.

  “It’s not a date,” she disapproves, allowing the smile to dangle from an ear to the other. “It’s more of a hang.” She giggles, before folding her trench coat in half and laying it on her forearm.”

  “You know,” I say as I pull myself out of the chair. “You shouldn’t have invited me, or anyone else by the way, I could go home right now and wear my comfy pajamas and just watch chick-flick movies while I burry my face in mom’s good old Christmas cookies.”

  “Shut up! You should be proud that I did invite him to have dinner with us,” she blushes, crossing her arms together.

“You mean, with you?” I cock an eyebrow at her, a smirk making its way on my visage.

“Well, we should start moving,” she changes the subject and I lowly chuckle before agreeing and leaving the house and jump right inside the car.

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