Chapter 41

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Not sure how many chapters are left tbh ._.

I think they're cut down to 7 chapters or 9.

Chapter 41:

Peering at the small lake in front of me, I take in a sharp breath as I embrace the life around me. The number of people just walking around, whether they were walking a dog or feeding a pigeon or even sitting alone on the benches, life still roamed out of them. As the clock hits twelve and the church bells ring again on this warm Sunday, everything else seems to be moving in sync with the chilling bell rings that fill the park.

It has been three days actually since that fight with Zayn and I've left him tons of messages, a lot of phone calls but never have I had the audacity to knock on his door and ask to have a proper talk. I need to prove myself through actions instead of words if that's the case.

After he left that night, I just sat there and cried my eyes out until my mother decided it was time for a massive lecture. And guess whose side she chose this time? Definitely not mine. She precisely said that the way I've reacted that day was absolutely incorrect.

Actions are louder than words, she said and then continued, but a small smile from you definitely needed more words in that case.

I tried calling him ever since but had I prepared a proper speech in my mind? No. Had I believed he was right? No. Because I felt used at a point but I guess that's what he meant by I don't show him that I love him, and the reason is that I believe it's always about me even when it's not.

Laura once said it ... I'm not the only victim in this world but curse the damn if I branched out her words and related it to others. Instead of doing so, I only thought her words cut like a knife than shedding dark lights on invisible ink.

Second day ... well, I didn't bother him much at first because I had an appointment with my doctor and it is why I'm sitting here, in one of the hidden parks of Vancouver and thoughts swirling in my head.

"How are you feeling today, Raquel?" The doctor asked, pulling out the CAT scan from a folder and placing it on the broad lit screen behind and then above his desk.

"Fine," I replied slowly as I noticed the CAT scan had shown minimal improvement.

The look on his face was well... not so encouraging and my heart knocked loudly in my body when he gave a flat expression and a heavy sigh.

"For the next couple of weeks," he murmured and then cleared his voice roughly before taking a glance at me then back at the scan. "You'll be given a break."

"What do you mean?" I blurted out, not waiting for him to explain.

"We have to give you a break from chemo to see how your body will react to the treatment. You see ... Raquel; your lungs were filled with fluids more than once, during treatment. Not good but that doesn't mean it can't be treated."

"Why?" I widened my eyes in shock, the tips of my fingers felt cold but the words breathe, there's still time and hope banged fiercely inside my skull.

"Stage four cancer isn't that easy to cure. It takes time. It needs time and that's why we have to give your body a break."

That moment in precise really was the highlight of my year and for a minute I thought of losing hope and giving up, but the faint promise the doctor gave me was when he told me that the final result will be clearer within three weeks from now.

All I need now is faith to live with and time to rely on.

My feet slump on the concrete floor and I start walking in the direction of the loud bells in the area. Spring is oddly peaceful, yet it shows me how lonely I am at the moment even though there's life around me, there's also silence and hollowness.

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