Chapter 2

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Chapter 2.

       School so far is achingly passing by slowly. Having a weird feeling that where ever I go I have a sign on my back that is making every kid whisper and look at me in an eerie manner. But on the bright side, we still have thirty minutes left before we run back home.

    I try to focus on Mr. Abagnale's explanation on economical inflation, when out of nowhere an old Nokia ringtone fills the classroom and the entire class, except for me, starts laughing.

"Quiet," Mr. Abagnale says while searching for his phone. His facial expressions fall flat when he finds the phone. "Excuse me," sticking his forefinger in the air, he rushes outside the class in order to answer.

  "Hey, Ray." I hear Amanda whispering from the back, and then I slowly turn around to notice her passing me a little note. Opening the note, I read carefully: "what's wrong with you today? Still sad?"

  I shake my head and snatch the pen from my table and reply to her. "how can I not be, Mand, when I'm pregnant with the baby of depression?"

  After I finally replied to her, I turned back to pass her the note. "What do we have here?" A voice chirps out of nowhere, snatching the note that I just placed on Amanda's desk and capturing the class' full attention.

 "Hey! Give it back!" Amanda yells at Mason while I cringe and feel my heart pumping at the end of my throat.

"What's wrong with you today?" He starts reading out loud, trying to mimic Mandy's voice. "Still sad?" He continues and my heart starts beating vigorously behind my rib cage. "Oho!" He laughs before he proceeds. "This is the good part!" He snores, and for a minute I wish I was swallowed by a dark hole. "Here is what it says!" He cheerfully says, sticking his finger in the air to show authority.

 "Cut the crap, Mason!" Mandy yells, standing up.

 "Shut up." He tells her and I look at the door hoping that Mr. Abagnale might enter any minute now. But he doesn't… "How can I not be Mand when I'm pregnant with the baby of depression?" He says, trying to copy my voice. "Baby I thought we used protection!" He winks at me and I ball up my fists, ready to remap his face.

"Shut up!" I yell, and look back at the door praying for a miracle.

"Mason, cut the bullshit will you? We all know nothing happened that night!" A guy says from the end of the classroom, grabbing my attention and the rest of the class' with his mad tone. I take a good look at him, and I can't seem to remember his name or anything. In addition to that I do not remember that he ever attended school until this second.

"Why?" Mason asks, laughing. "Are you jealous, mate?"

"How about you get lost?" The guy replies and I thank God that the spotlights are now on him and not me.

"Alright." Mr. Abagnale finally walks inside the room, and closes the door slowly behind him before he traipses back to stand next to his desk. "Sorry I was late." He says, and a second after that he looks up at Mason who was standing between Mandy and I. "And may I know why you're standing in the first row, Mr. Parker?" He hisses and I look back at Mason, with my heart slowly being ripped out from my chest.

  "I was getting a paper and a pen." Mason lies and Mr. Abagnale looks at his hand that is holding the piece of paper Mandy and I were writing on. Slowly, Mr. Abagnale walks towards Mason's way and opens his hand for that prick.

  "Please, can I have this paper? I'm sure Amber would love to give you a bigger paper for you to write down your special project." The teacher says and I slide a little bit more inside my seat, in hopes he won't mistreat me the same way Mason did in front of everyone.

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