Chapter 17

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Chapter 17:

Another day, a new cup of coffee being filled somewhere in this world and a new strike of pain running in my body as the muscles tense and twist and chop the muscles inside. "Mom!" I shout, covering my entire body with three woolen duvets, as I wrap my hands over my knees and pray to god that the pain can fade away. "Mom!" I shout again, louder this time and I cringe when a lightning bolt lights my room on its way of tearing the grey skies apart.

"Yes, baby?" Mom speaks the minute I hear the door closing behind her and she turns on the lights.

"No, please, keep them off!" I whine and let out a whimper as the pain curls the pit of my stomach mercilessly. She obeys and immediately turns off the lights before I feel her touching my back that's hidden under the many number of covers.

"Are you still in pain?" She whispers and I mutter a yes. "It's been an hour and a half since you took your medicine," she huffs and I clench my jaw as I press firmly on my abdomen. "I'll go make something hot for you," she quickly says and I nod before drifting back into an irksome slumber.

An hour or two passed by, and I was awoken by the door bell ringing loudly that it made its way into my bedroom, my mother went out to get some stuff from the mall with both grandpa and Trevor whilst I stayed home like a sick four legged being. Thankfully the pain this time doesn't seem to exist as well, and with a woolen cover wrapping me from head to toe and a bag of Doritos in both of my hands while having its half rest in my stomach, I really don't wish I would encounter this wave of pain anytime soon.

Turning the television off and staring blankly at the lit Christmas tree, I sigh in frustration before checking the time on my phone as it read 1:53 p.m. So far, this winter break appears to be worse than I've expected, but the thought is completely interrupted when my phone buzzes between my hands and I sigh in despair as I read Laura's text.

'This will sound awkward but, Richard is asking if you want to hang out with us.'

'Us as in you and Richard?' I lazily type, with my fingers shivering vigorously. I take in a sharp breath before removing the cover off of me in-order to head for the chimney and throw a piece of wood to let the fire revive again. After dusting my hands off, I walk back to my spot and cover my body before reading Laura's text.

'And Ellen, and Zayn.' I read and I frown.

'I'm in the middle of bleeding to death, so I will pass.' I type before pressing the send button.

I really don't think I can handle getting out of my clothes, and to be slapped with a rough cold air before changing into something that will warm me up in this damned day, therefore, no. I will definitely and one hundred percent for certain decline the offer.

'Period?' she asks and I roll my eyes, my temper is on the edge.

'No, I was in a chicken fight and I lost the match. Besides, I don't feel like seeing Zayn."

'Are you sure about that?' She asks, and I wait until she finishes typing again. 'Because he was the one who told me to talk to you.'

'I'll pass this time. Sorry, have fun x.'

And with that being said, I let a heavy sigh out before massaging my temples and turning on the television once again as I flip the channels, not having a care in the world.

The thing is, tomorrow is Christmas Eve and I really wouldn't want be dragged into a place where my family would play pretend when I know they're just doing that for the sake of who knows what. Mom knows she is miserable, and does not seem to accept the fact her marriage is no way going to be fixed, and my father - well, I think he is trying to force his power in this house because he is nearly never around us and that really hurts. Because I cannot see a man, I see a male diminishing into a little fragile kid whose only way of living is to throw brutal things here and there.

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