Diary of a Teen -Summary

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First entry for Watty Awards: Diary of a Teen! What do you think?

Diary of a -

Fat Teen is Aiden Finch

Aiden has been forced by his mother to lose weight, but when he reluctantly starts, an obsession makes him continue...

Skinny Teen is Leonie Ferguson

Leonie seems to everyone she knows as confident. She's a 'social' after all, but she has inner insecurities and an unrequited love that she's held onto for far too long.

Emo Teen is Elliot Ritchie

Afraid to reveal his true colours to his friends and family, Elliot keeps everything concealed. But not talking about things doesn't make them go away... Does it?

Chavvy Teen is Leyanne Vickers

Home life for Leyanne is tough so she bullies her way to happiness... But it never lasts long.

Dying Teen is Daniel Worthington

Daniel has only one wish before he dies. Unfortunately, it's not one he can easily admit to.

Popular Teen is Carrie Carmona

For Carrie there are two paths; follow the crowd, or stand out and... what?

Dorkie Teen is Todd Stokes

What happens when your popularity improves- but your friends' don't..?

New Teen is Mizuki Kamimura

Mizuki's single aim is to fit in- no matter what that will take.

Sleazy Teen is Pierce Rhoads

Pierce is always messing around with girls, but when a particular girl seems to be paying him more attention than most, he wonders if he should try and have a stable girlfriend. Just to see if he can.

Romantic Teen is Mercy Davis

Convinced she's figured out why she's constantly single, Mercy decides to engineer her own relationship!


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