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George's pov~

We've recently met this girl named y/n. She is now part of the smp and films with us all the time. And although we only have known each other for a few months, I have a little crush on her. Only Nick and Clay know this tiny detail though.

I've just wanted to tell her for a couple weeks now, but the timings never right, and I always get too nervous. I'll end up saying "Hey y/n... I forgot, nevermind." or something like that. It's been happening like that almost everyday.

Until today.

Today is the day where I'm going to ask her out. On stream. Through discord. Because I'm not that brave.

y/n's pov~

"Okay so you want me to convert to L'mangburg's side Tommy?" I ask.

"Yes," he replied simply.


"Well because-"

"Give me three reasons."

"Okay- Because, they're all so much more powerful than us, it's really unfair. But you have some of that power that our side needs, and we're good friends right?"

"That's only two, and one of them really doesn't count."

Tommy laughs then says, "Wilbur and Tubbo worship you, if you come to our side I'm sure they'll let you be the leader. And on their side you're just a... a peasant to them!"

"If that wasn't close to accurate I might be offended," I say. Tommy laughs again. "Alright one more?"

"Erm... It's more fun on this side of the wars. Oh and Sapnap once killed your cat!"

"He did that on accident..."

"Have you not watch his stream? It's like he didn't learned from Niki's fox."


George and Nick join the call as if on cue.


"Holy- What?!"



"SAPNAP! Okay- Tommy?"


"I'm joining your side. Get Tubbo and Wilbur here right now. Have either of you started stream yet?"

"No," Nick and George both say.

"Are you going to?"

"Yes," George replies while at the same time Nick says, "No."

Wil and Tubbo join the call.

"Join the game boys! We have some exciting news!" Tommy shouts.

George's pov~

Well shit.

"Dammit Sapnap!" I say once we're in a separate call, I was now streaming.

"Dude you have to ask her out as soon as possible! We need her on our side. Find out what they offered her and offer more."

"I'll ask her out but I don't think she's gonna come back. Why do you always kill everyone's pets!?"

"It's usually on accident."

"Oh my God Sapnap."

We go back to the call with the three of them.

"Yeah so-" Tommy starts.

"Of course y/n can be the leader of our group!" Will says.


"Whoa hold on there, y/n?" Nick interrupts.

"Yes animal slayer?"

"George has something important he's needed to talk to you about technicallyforweeks that he's put off."

"If it's so important, why'd he put it off?" She asks sassily.

"Just listen to him!"

"Fine! Yes, George?"

"So um..." I'm getting nervous. "So- Uh...."

"C'mon big man. Tell her." Wow even Tommy knows. Wait... DID SAPNAP TELL HIM?!

I chuckle and scoff nervously. "I- It's really hot in my room right now."

"Ah that's why it took weeks," she says. "He's nervous to talk to me about it. Well don't be. What's on your mind?"

"Well... I- Ireallylikeyouy/nandiwantyoutogooutonadatewithme."



"You're gonna have to say that again."

"I really like you y/n and I want you to go out on a date with me," I say as calm as I can. "Only if you want to, of course."

The four boys are giggling and scoffing, as if in shock, quietly in the back.

"Is this a prank to get me back on your side?" she asks.

"Um no," I say.

"Uh no- I mean there's no way you actually want to go on a date with me."

"Well... I do... So..."

"Of course I'll go on a date with you George."


"But I'm still with L'mangburg now."

"That's fine!"

We all laugh.

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