↳ ily (pls read)

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hey i just want to hop on here and remind you that you are valid and worthy and you deserve evedy good thing you have or will get in life no matter who tells you different. all bodies are beautiful/sexy, including yours :) its never to late to get up and make a change for yourself or a bigger group. you can do anything you put your mind to so get up!!! you got this!!! drink some water, eat some food, you deserve it <333 EVEN IF U HAVENT DONE ANYTHING TODAY. as winnie the pooh once said "your body does so much for you" SO PLEASE repay it with water and food ! and if you can't, thats okay, proud of you anyway <3 brush your teeth, get out of bed, talk a walk, or dont, its up to you!!!

id also like to apologize for the *no* updates lately, id love to lie and blame it on school or my mental health but it hasnt been that bad lately i just dont rly have the energy to write a lot, i promise i will do my best to update sometime soon :)

one last thing, i wrote a song!!! i have yet to write music but if you want to hear me sing it, i have the original video of me singing it all the way through and a lyrical video!!
• regular: https://youtu.be/AtQwMfgzo5g
• lyric: https://youtu.be/wVfl9wdyyq0

i hope you guys had an amazing day yesterday or today whatever time it is, and i hope you continue to have amazing days over and over


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