↳ manhunt || part 2 🌼🌼

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the actual manhunt video - before filming

y/n's pov~

I was in a call with Bad, George, Sapnap, and Antfrost; we were just waiting for Dream.

"So while we're waiting let's discuss a plan," I suggested.

"Well there's five of us, so it's best to split up all the work at first and then when everyone is stacked we can go after him all at once." Sapnap added.

"Didn't you guys already try that?" I ask.

"Yeah but there's five of us now." George answers.

"We could try that again, whatever you guys want." Ant says.

"Okay so, y/n do you want to get as much wood as possible?" Bad asks me.

"Yeah I can do that."

"Alright Sapnap can be on cobble and coal after we all get tools. I'll get iron. We'll smelt it, then Ant can go for diamonds."

"What about me?" George questions.

"As soon as we get you stone tools and such, we need you to just constantly go after and after and after him to keep him moving. That way there's a possibility he's farther away from the End."

"So I'm a distraction?"


"But Dream is way better at p-v-p than me."

"I-I'm pretty good a p-v-p." I say.

"Oh? Well then can I get wood and we'll have y/n go after Dream!"

"Okay!" Bad agrees with George.

As if on exact cue, Dream joins the call.


I giggle at his perfect timing. "Hi." George says.

Why are you laughing y/n?" Dream asks. This only makes me laugh harder.

"Bruh moment-" I manage to get out. This causes all the call to laugh. Somehow it's validating that they think I'm funny.

"So last minute question, I'm sure you guys have already though strategy," Dream starts after he finally calms his wheezing down. "y/n do you want to be a hunter or a runner?"

"Another bruh moment," I say. "These four fools can't even get just you. If you had me it's pretty much a guaranteed win."

"It would still be four v two," he giggles.

"Nah, it'll be five v one and I'm guaranteeing and hunter win."

"Fine, wanna bet?"

"50 twitch subs says hunters win," I say.

"I barely even stream anymore-"

"You'll still get the money."

"Alright, bet."

"Wow way to take pressure off y/n," Sapnap says.

"Oh puh-lease. It's not like you're going to be the one gifting subs if we lose."

"Geez y/n is sassier than I remember," George says.

"Oh so you've watched my content?"

"Just you're most recent video."

"Ah nice. How about any of you guys?"

"We haven't watched any of your content yet actually," says Sapnap, both Bad and Ant agree.

"Wow, I feel so loved."

"Well I've watched tons of it," Dream states.



"Oh is this man a simp for y/n?" Sapnap jokes.


"Sapnap-" I wheeze.

"Sapnap!" Bad yells. I hear George and Ant giggling in the background.

"Guys we have to film!" Dream reminds us.

"Oh right oh right." I say. Dream loads up the world.

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