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I couldn't stop thinking about that boy.

Kim Sunwoo

I liked that. I liked the way the name just rolled of my tongue, like smooth velvet chocolate. 

"Kim Sunwoo..." I said out loud before giggling.

"Jeez, you barely know this guy. He could be a serial killer." I pointed out to myself but that only made me laugh more. 

After all, serial killers were my type.

No no I'm just kidding, I'm not a weirdo....or am I?

Shaking my head, I stood up and stretched, relaxing my muscles. 

I decided to head out of my room and walk around the huge house I lived in. I did need to talk to my father anyway. 

Tomorrow was my birthday, I should probably inform him about my decision to leave. 

"Father! Just the person I was looking for." I called him out when I saw him and grinned. 

He stared at me with a mixture of shock and confusion on his face since I never talk to him unless he calls me or in public events. 

"What do you want?" he snapped at me once he had recovered from the monetary surprise. 

"I should inform you about something." I smirked evilly and was pleased to see the small speck of fear in his eyes, even though it had disappeared almost as soon as I saw it. 

Once we were both seated inside his office, I started the conversation I knew was going to end horribly. 

"I'm moving out."

"No you're not!" My father exclaimed at once, fist slamming onto the desk.

On any other day, I would have been scared, shaking even but today, I didn't even flinch. 

and my father noticed this. 

"You probably forgot but tomorrow is my 18th birthday." a look of pure horror crossed his face and I smiled before continuing. 

"I'm leaving this house and the stupid life you've provided for me tomorrow." I grinned which dropped the moment my father suddenly smiled. 

I felt a strip of fear cover me at the sight and I hated the way his simple smile made me feel. I hated feeling this small and scared. 

"You don't have money."

I mentally sighed in relief at his words. 

"Do you think I'm an idiot? I've been planning this for nearly 3 years. I have loads of money, a part time job waiting, a beautiful apartment ready to go, and everything else I could need. I'm way ahead of you." I smirked and watched my father's smile drop. 

"Anyways, I just came to tell you that but I'll be leaving now. Kinda got a date." I laughed before walking out of the office, my father's yells in the background. 

"Hello?" I said after dialing a specific number onto my phone. 

"Who is this?" a wonderful familiar voice answered. 

"Lee Ashlyn and I called to take you up on that date request." 

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