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Kevin POV

I watched through the window as Sunwoo and Ashlyn drove away together once again. Despite my threat, he just continued to stay with her.

I grabbed my phone before looking up, my eyes catching sight of a knife.

Dark thoughts started to fill my head and I immediately shook my head, shocked I could even think this way.

but what if I just hurt him? A small warning?

I looked at the knife again.

Sunwoo POV

I looked at Ashlyn who was staring at her former house with a broken expression.

Although I wanted to curse myself for being the cause of it, I needed her to face her fear. I needed Ashlyn to fight what hurt her the most.

"You...why would you bring me here?" she asked but I could tell she was trying to control her voice.

Never had I seen Ashlyn so angry, so hurt. It made me furious. I wanted to kill her father for making her feel this way.

"Look at me." I finally said, reaching forward and grabbing her shoulders, turning her so that she could face me.

Our eyes met but she didn't look away blushing like she usually would. Neither did I.

Her face was emotionless but her eyes displayed so much pain.

Ashlyn POV

I didn't want to be here.

I was done with this place.

I never wanted to show my face here again, I never wanted to see that cruel man again.

I wanted to scream. I wanted to hit Sunwoo for bringing me here, the one place that had brought me nothing but misery.

"You have to face it." Sunwoo said, holding onto me.

I glared at him, upset he had brought me to this house knowing I wanted nothing to do with it.

"No, I don't." I shot, pushing his arms off.

A hurt look flashed across his face and I felt guilty for a second before shaking it off.

"Look, if you don't go there right now, you're going to regret it. You need to show your father that you are doing fine, that you are strong. You have to show him the person you've become because in my eyes, you are a bold and confident woman."

Without warning, my heart fluttered and my face turned a little pink, something only Kim Sunwoo could do.

I finally gave a small nod before stepping out of the car.

Sunwoo quickly followed, looking a little relieved I listened.

"I'll be with you the whole time." he said, slipping his hand into mine.

Blushing again, I pushed away thoughts of him and rang the houses doorbell, already dreading what would happen next.

A timid looking maid opened the door and I remembered her from the day before I left my house. Her eyes widened at the sight of me and she immediately let me in.

"You're here! You father was wondering where you went!" she exclaimed, looking a little less nervous from the last time I saw here.

I simply nodded, too nervous to stay anything.

The maid finally looked at Sunwoo and then our hands together.

"Oh no..." she trailed off.

"Your father isn't going to like that." she said, as if she was scared for me.

"My father doesn't decide who I stay with." I replied firmly as Sunwoo held my hand tighter.

A sudden familiar laughter filled the air. I froze in horror, looking up to see the man I hated most in the world.

"Looks like the little girl grew up!" he smiled widely, clapping his hands together as he walked down the stairs.

"And who are you?" he asked, turning to Sunwoo.

At the sight of our hands interlocked, his eyes turned cold and he looked at me again, the same look from the night he gave me my scar settled on his face.

I shuddered in fear before taking a step closer to Sunwoo.

"Kim Sunwoo." he replied, holding me close.

My father noticed this.

"And what is your relationship with my daughter?" my father asked and I scoffed at the word daughter.

"Okay, you've had your freedom. Playtime is over, time to come home." he finally said, shooting me a look.

"I'm not here to come back to this place." I spat, voice full of bitterness.

"You don't have a choice." my father said, laughing once again.

"Yes I do, I'm legally an adult." I replied before adding, "That's why I left in the first place."

"Lee Suyeon Ashlyn, enough is enough. Come here." my father said, amused face expression becoming cold and emotionless just as I had always remembered.

I was scared but I refused to give in. This man was the cause of my pain and childhood trauma, it was finally time to get over him.

"No." I answered, voice strong.

I defied him for the first time.

My father's expression changed into a surprised one for a brief second before it became angry.

"No? Did you just say no to me?"

Sunwoo held my hand tighter, comforting me and showing me that I had someone by my side.

"No." I repeated.

My father took a threatening step towards me but for once, I didn't even flinch.

Sunwoo was with me.

With him by my side, I had nothing to fear. I knew Sunwoo was always going to be my side this way.

Within seconds, my father had pushed Sunwoo away and was in front of me. He grabbed me shoulders and violently shook me, causing me to gasp.

"You don't get to say no to me!" He yelled, full of anger.

"Get off me!" I breathed harshly, struggling to push him off.

Sunwoo scrambled up to his feet, ready to help me at once but froze as a slap sound filled the air.

Sunwoo POV

Anger I had never felt before consumed me, red being the only thing I could see as I grabbed Ashlyn's father by the collar and forced him away from her.

Without hesitation, I punched him.

Ashlyn let out another gasp, face a little red from the slap her father had given her.

"Sunwoo!" she gasped before running to my side.

Her father lay withering on the ground, shocked my the fact someone had hit him.

"If you ever touch Ashlyn again, I will kill you."

Ashlyn POV

"If you ever touch Ashlyn again, I will kill you." Sunwoo said, eyes dangerous.

I had never seen him like this before, looking so violent and angry.

He grabbed my hand and led me away from the man who was still on the ground as the maid from before rushed to help him, still in shock.

Not caring to see what happened next, I exited the house with Sunwoo and sat in the car. Once he sat too, he placed his hands on the steering wheel and took a deep breath, eyes closed.

Thinking back on how Sunwoo protected me, I felt my heart flutter for the millionth time.

This boy actually did something unlike everyone else in my life. He actually made me face my fear.

Kim Sunwoo really did care about me.

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