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Ashlyn POV

The next morning, I woke up only to see an incredibly handsome face resting on my shoulder, arms wrapped around my waist and holding me close.

Blushing furiously before realizing he had stayed over the whole night, I quietly pulled away from Sunwoo.

Standing up, I glanced at him before fixing the blanket and leaving to my room.

If only I could wake up every morning next to him.

I took a quick shower and dressed up before coming out to make breakfast. I noticed Sunwoo was awake and smiled before heading to him. He was sitting by the window that showed the best view of Seoul possible and I knew he loved it.

Sunwoo POV

When I heard Ashlyn's footsteps, I looked up and glanced at her, a little disappointed I missed her morning face but still happy.

She smiled at me and sat next to me. I wrapped her arms around her shoulders with confidence I didn't know I had and I noticed her blushing.

Content I made her like that, I stood up and headed over to the kitchen as she followed.

"I'm hungry!" I said, sitting on the table and looking up at Ash.

Ashlyn POV

Sunwoo pouted and I rolled my eyes, finding it cute on the inside but not saying anything on the out.

"I know you just want my cooking." I replied but still took out ingredients to make scrambled egg and sausages.

I started cooking as Sunwoo watched me, eyes following my every move. When I was done making two plates, I handed one to him before taking my own and sitting across him on the table.

"Can I take you somewhere today?" Sunwoo asked, looking at me through his red bangs.

"But Kevin..." I trailed off at once, remembering his disappointed tone from the day before.

"I know I said this before but just one more day. I just need to do this one thing..." Sunwoo muttered, eyes turning dark.

I looked at him curiously before sighing.

"Fine." I answered, a guilty feeling settling in my body as I thought of Kevin.

After an hour, I was in Sunwoo's car and we were driving towards a place that looked familiar but I couldn't remember where.

and then I saw it.

My old house.

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