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( A/N: You are finally about to find out how Kim Sunwoo died )


Date: June 4th, 11:00 pm. 

Kevin POV

I sat on the couch as I played with the fire between my thumbs. I found a matchstick and decided, why not scare him a little? 

I looked around, remembering how years ago on Sunwoo's birthday, before anyone knew Ashlyn, The Boyz and I had jumped onto this very couch and had thrown streamers everywhere screaming "Happy birthday Sunwoo!". 

He had been so startled but so happy, he started crying, amazed he had friends like us. 

I sighed a little before dropping the matchstick.

Why was I like this?

"What the hell! Why won't you just leave me alone!" a voice yelled. 

I looked up to see Sunwoo glaring at me, eyes full of hate as a broomstick lay on the floor in front of his feet. 

I stood up, not noticing the match's fire had landed on the curtain. 

Ashlyn POV

"Stupid." I groaned before standing up and getting out of bed. 

I couldn't sleep, not with thoughts of Sunwoo kissing me flying across my head. 

I grabbed my phone and ran out of the house, not caring about locking the door. 

I had to tell Sunwoo now, I couldn't wait till tomorrow. 

I needed to tell Sunwoo I loved him. 

Kevin POV

My eyes caught sight of the now burnt curtain when Sunwoo gasped and let out a shout. 

Startled, I scrambled away from the sofa as slowly our surroundings started to set on fire and the temperature of the room started to rise. 

"What did you do?" Sunwoo screamed at me, shaking as flames started rising. 

I stared at him with wide eyes before pushing him away and running towards the front door of the house instead of the back one like I did to enter. 

I slammed it shut, breathing a sigh of relief as the cool air hit me. 

I heard a scream from inside the house and then I realized Sunwoo was still there. 

Scared beyond anything, I started freaking out before catching sight of a camera nearby. 

It must have recorded me entering Sunwoo's house!

Grabbing the metal ladder resting against the wall, I climbed up and pulled out the camera with sudden strength. 

I threw it down and watched it crack before jumping onto it and reducing it to broken pieces. I threw it all into the rising fire of the house before turning around and running. 

People had started to arrive, slowly streaming around as some started to call for 911. 

I could still hear Sunwoo's frightened scream echoing in my ears but I wasn't sure if that was real or not. 

Everyone was panicking, I couldn't understand the fact I had just killed someone with a fire I didn't mean to start. 

Sunwoo was being burned alive

Tears streamed down my face and I ran faster than I had ever run before. I crashed into someone but when I saw it was Ashlyn, I got even more scared and ran off again, towards the safety of my apartment where Sunwoo wasn't standing. 

Ashlyn POV


My eyes were blurry with tears as I picked myself up and paid no attention to the figure who had just crashed into me. 

For a second he looked familiar but all I could focus on was the burning house in front of me. 

I screamed, crying as a group of firefighters ran into the house only to emerge carrying the body of the boy I had fallen in love with. 

"NO!" I yelled again, running towards them. 

Someone grabbed me, holding me back as ashes surrounded the area. 

"SUNWOO!" I screamed again before finally collapsing. 

I sobbed, broken at the sight of Sunwoo dead

This wasn't supposed to happen. He was supposed to be okay. He was supposed to wake up tomorrow and tell me how he felt. 

Sunwoo wasn't supposed to die!

"KIM FUCKING SUNWOO WAKE UP!" I screamed, swearing for the first time in ages as people rushed to put out the fire. 

but Sunwoo didn't wake up because he was gone already. 

My eyes caught sight of my watch as I saw it shine, reading 11:59 pm, a minute before June 5th. 

11:59 pm, the time the love of my life died. 

The End

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