Jungkook awkwardly cleared his dry throat and then directed his gaze towards the duo.

"What did u do? He looks sick!"

"We didn't do anything! At least not me." Jimin whispered the last part.

"What?! I didn't do sh-"

"Don't u dare curse here, in front of him." Jungkook's voice was low and threatening. And it almost almost made yoongi whine in fear.

"Ok now stop it and help me with this." Jin had cut the vegetables.

"Where's taehyung?" Jimin's eyes roamed around the kitchen as he failed to spot the presence.

"Oh? He was right here. Wasn't he?" Hoseok was also as confused.

"While u dummies were busing messing with yoongi, he went to namjoon hyung. He had some office work so he called him."


Yoongi was besides Jin as he mixed the noodles and the vegetables. Yoongi grabbed the soy sauce and added it in. Jin went to grab some other ingredients for another dish. The other three alphas wanted to play with yoongi but it seemed the omega had gotten himself busy. Well the omega surely felt shy after what had happened.

As yoongi had placed the soy sauce back a spoon dropped from the counter but jimin was quick to grab it.

"Hm smells nice."

Yoongi gently smiled as he continued.

"So yoongi u told us that u liked sweets. What kind specifically?" Jimin wanted to stay besides yoongi. The omega had a very sweet scent. And yoongi also liked his scent. It was warm and refreshing.

"I think marshmallow!" Yoongi exclaimed as his eyes twinkled.

Jimin grinned from the reaction he got.

"Ok. Marshmallows it is."

After this Jin came back the the alphas told him what they wanted. They wanted to play with yoongi and get him more comfortable with them so it was better if yoongi wasn't really cooking all the time. So Jin went with their wish and told yoongi off. After being freed from the cooking work he had no idea what to do. So the alphas decided to accompany him to the garden. The garden was really beautiful. Green grass, nicely cut, while shrubs surrounded the lining of the garden. Various flowers present with the light scents. Outside the weather was cloudy. So it was like a fairytale look.

Once arriving they thought to have a lil game. Using the rock, paper, scissors game they chose the loser who came to be Jungkook. But not at all was he disappointed.

The other three ran off in various directions away from him. But the three alphas still looked out for yoongi. They stayed up close to him incase he trips and falls. The omega was running on full speed with Jungkook on his tail but the alpha was only using a bit of his strength to run. Since he was an alpha his speed and strength were far more than an omega but to see yoongi smiling he ran slow.

"Yoongi! You're running too fast!" Jungkook shouted from behind, as he was just six feets away from yoongi.

"No! You're running too slow!" Yoongi exclaimed with a laugh.

Jimin and hoseok were also not too far from the duo and they also chuckled listening to yoongi's response.

As yoongi was running, he seemed to have tripped on something. He could have balanced himself with a bit of difficulty tho, but magically an arm snaked through his waist to hold him. The grip of the hand was firm while the arm was well built. Yoongi clutched the hand as he was abt to face the ground, face first. When stood straight he felt the warm breath on his neck that send chills down his spine.

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