Is This Love?

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She never would let the fire inside her burn out.

No matter how many people came at her with buckets of water, her flames only grew larger with a hunger for revenge.

She pushed past the arms of many who held her back.

For she would not be silenced.

Her voice was louder than a clap of thunder and she refused to stand idle.

Now she chooses what words slip off her tongue this time and they will not be laced with poison but with truth.

The sorry excuses weigh heavy on her heart but she never let her chin fall below the waves.

For she feared she would drown.

She possessed the tools to become successful and she built an empire.

She was now what she once envied.

Her hands would tremble, though she was not scared.

Euphoria ran through her blood like a salmon fighting up stream in spring.

She knew what she had to do and where she had to go.

That spark was new but not unknown.

It was almost like the sun had kissed her skin, she was illuminated, warm and the ice around her heart had melted.

Her lips curling into a smile ever so slightly.

Oh, how she missed seeing the world in colour.

She felt the life she had been given was no longer a mistake.

She could let the happiness sink deep into her soul without the fear of it dying out within her misery.

She could let the songs fly past her lips that were once stuck in place.

She was free, unimaginably harmonious.

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