Perhaps an Auction

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I wish to unkill myself because I know that somewhere along my journey, I was slain.

Now whether it was by myself or others, I am unsure.

But what I am sure of is that the life I lived was drained from my veins without my knowledge.

Or perhaps I auctioned my life off to someone else because it no longer was of value to me.

The key to self-peace is to rid of all things that do not spark joy, correct?

However, was selling my life worth it in the end?

Because now I am here with not one butterfly in my stomach to keep me company.

Depleted of that childish laughter and humor that I once possessed so proudly.

My smile now wavers when I grin because shrieks of anguish are knocking behind my teeth.

My Mother is pleading for me to come home but I've lost my sense of direction and so, I amble on endlessly in the wrong direction.

My eyes, a beautiful blue like the gentle sky or the sea's that caress the lands are now devoid of me.

I cannot lie and say I regret the bargaining of my life.

Now because you bought the broken parts of me, I can slip away and create a new life.

One without the damage.

And one without you.

I Have More Than A Perfect FigureNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ