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"What do you mean?" She frowns, looking confused. Way to act, Olivia.
Her eyes are red, swollen. Tear stains are clear on her rosy cheek. The tip of her nose, ears, everything is red. She was crying. And the fact that this might be for me, makes it even worse.

"Why aren't you at work?" I ask in a serious tone. There I was trying to be understanding, thinking we were getting along. Then she goes on and does this?! What's that she is running from? Why can't she accept something and let it go?

She stares at me registering before speaking. "And I am supposed to answer you?" She crosses her arms against her chest and scowls at me. You wanna do this right now? Okay...

"Yes." I mimic her posture. I keep my glare, equally intense. Even more than the anger that I'm showing, I feel a huge amount of disappointment. Knowing that she doesn't trust me as much as I thought she did, hurts. It hurts bad.

"Why so?"

"Because I am your husband." There you go. I'm glad that I got a ring on my finger and legal documents to prove that but having to show that every time, sucks. Low-key sucks. It's like she still considers me to be a stranger. Well, I was one when I married her but after spending so many days in the same house, you don't call each other strangers, do you?

Scoffing, she looks away and laughs lightly, "You're going to play that card now, are ya?" She tilts her head as a challenging look shadows her face.

"Yes. Maybe 'cause you don't care if people are worried about you." At first, she seems to be taken aback by the statement. Her hard expression eases out and a look of confusion crosses her face but just for some fractions of seconds. She quickly recovers and puts on her hard look. She looks at me as her jaw ticks. I can see her hands balled into fists but she has to understand she can't close off every time she wants.

It was clear from Brad's expression that it was very unlike Avery to be sharing something with someone. He told me that after Marcus died three years ago, Avery lost the only person she used to share her feelings with. To be honest, that bothers me. It makes me feel so terrible... I don't know why. I don't think I can ever be able to go through something Avery did without someone beside me.

"This doesn't concern you, Dylan." She grits through her teeth. I can feel the heat radiating out of her body. Her posture is tense. She is desperately trying to bring the guard up but not this time. There is no way I am letting that happen.

"Oh yeah? So my matters are your concern but yours aren't mine." Every time I need someone, there she is with open arms. What changes when it comes to me or someone else comforting her?

"It's different..." She mumbles and scurries past me.

"Explain." Spinning around on my heels, I follow her. Ignoring me and my calls, she keeps walking. I don't slow down or wait for an answer. If she doesn't want to hear me, I am going to make her. This thing has gone a little too far. She reaches the car, which is parked outside the graveyard by the walls and stops.

"How did you know where I was?" She turns around and asks.

"You lied to your friend about being sick so he came to check on you." I can't explain the amount of relief I felt when I saw her car standing here. Right from the moment, we realised that she was missing, I could barely breathe. This car gave me my life back. And this girl who somehow manages to mess with my brain so easily, even though I barely know her, is standing right in front of me least bothered about how I feel.

Closing her eyes briefly, she sighs. " it about last night?" I ask, taking a step closer to her. Her scent immediately engulfs me, making me aware of the slightest breath that passes through her lips.

She balls her tiny hands and takes in a sharp breath. "I am going home, " she says without looking up, completely brushing off my question.

"Give me the keys, " I say and hold out my palm. Her head snaps up.

"What? Why?" She cries out, frowning.

"You aren't in the position to drive."

"And you think so because?" Her expression says that she is beyond pissed but after doing such an irresponsible thing, she isn't really in the position to get pissed.

"Your cheeks are still wet with tears and your eyes are bloodshot. You look terrible. Not letting you drive." I wonder if she would be driving on her own in this condition if I wasn't here.

"And who do you think you are?" She snaps. I like the sassy cat vibe that she has but wrong timing missy.

"You know very well, darling," I answer in a husky voice. Lifting an eyebrow, I smirk. I can be a cocky bastard sometimes.

She stills. Her breathing halts. Starting into my eyes, she gently shivers. I love the effect I have on her but now is not the time. I step back and she vividly snaps out of the haze. "What if I don't give you the keys?"

"Then I won't let you get into the car. Try me." I press my palm against the door and tilt my head, challenging. As expected, Avery Immediately starts struggling to open the door after unlocking it. She might be strong but she isn't at her best right now. Moreover, I'm not that weak myself.

After she realises that she can, in no way, win, she leaves the door and sighs, "Fine." Digging the keys out of the pocket of her jeans, she slaps it on my hand and stomps around to the other side of the car.

We drive home in intense silence, none of us says a word. I am beyond pissed at her and so is she, unreasonably enough. Even while I hate what she had just done, I am extremely aware of her presence around me.

I decide to take a glimpse to see what she is doing. Her head is turned towards the window, she is staring outside. Only a very small part of her face can be seen. Her hairs are pulled into a ponytail, at the top of her head and the ends being beautifully curled. The maroon top and faded blue jeans look literally gorgeous on her, fitting right on her body, kissing the curves. Clearing my throat I look away before it starts to look creepy.

As soon pull into the driveway, she jumps out, as if she was waiting to get away. This isn't the first time, is it?! "Avery! Stop!" I call but she is already running in through the front door. I don't understand her or her need to run from stuff.

I quickly remove the seatbelt, which decides to give me hard time right now. Getting out of the car, I run behind her. Barely controlling my anger, anymore. When I reach the bottom of the stairs, she is already at the top. I literally fly up the stairs and call, "Avery!! Stop!!!!!"

"What? What do you want, Dylan?!" She yells and turns around on reaching her bedroom door.

"I want to know why you went to the graveyard today." I am still gasping for breath.

"I'm not supposed to answer all your questions!"

"You are when it involves me."

"What makes you think it has something to do with you?!"

"Then tell me it had nothing to do with what happened last night. Tell me!" I yell at her face. She goes quiet instantly.

"Nothing happened last night, Dylan."

"Now you're going to pretend like nothing happened?"

"Nothing happened! It was a weak moment. Doesn't mean you're going to throw it at my face every chance you get." She did not just-


"That's what you want to prove right? That I'm weak and I need you."

"I never said that." I screech.

"Well, you meant to."

"I really don't understand you. What's the matter with you?!"

"You. You are." My eyes widen and my eyebrows shoot up. Everything just goes blank for a moment, with no idea of what to do next. I feel my frustration reach the limit. Pushing my fingers through my hair, I gently tug at them. I release the grip then I look at her, standing in front of me with watery eyes, breathing roughly.

"If you hate me that much then fine, I am not going to interfere in your life anymore and I expect you to do the same as well."

WITH YOU- I Never Had A Choice ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang