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Dylan is lying beside me, I can hear his rhythmic breathing. The warm skin of his arm is touching mine causing goosebumps all over my body. I turn my head to my left and glance at him. He looks so peaceful in his sleep. I watch his chest moving up and down. I focus on every breath he takes. It is oddly peaceful. I roll onto my side and face him completely. I never thought I would be lying beside him now. He would be the reason for me to be happy again. I bring my hand to his face but before I can touch him, I hear a voice and freeze. I know this voice. I know it very well. The voice that stopped calling me three years ago but hasn't left my nightmares. He calls again, "Avery..." I turn my head towards the window to find Marcus standing in front of the window.

"Marc...? Is that you?" I remove the cover off my legs and jump out of the bed and run towards him. His has his watery eyes fixed at me. "You came back?" I ask softly.

"No, I didn't. And thank God for that. You promised me, Avery. You promised!" He raises his voice and I flinch.

"Please let me explain..."

"No, " he says and steps back. His eyes start getting heavier with tears and I feel the sobs rising my throat. Shaking his head, he says, "I never thought you would betray me, Avery." His voice cracks and my heart clenches in my chest. He takes another step back but I don't move. His eyes are warning me silently not to move. I stand there, frozen, guilty, feeling broken. Tears escape my eyes and start rolling down the cheeks like waterfalls. I don't even try to stop them. I am standing in front of the person I trust with the whole of myself, there is no point in trying.

"I'm sorry, " I let out through my sobs and squeeze shut my eyes. I keep sobbing for a while before opening when I find him standing there but not as I remember him. He is covered with blood, fresh blood is oozing out of his head. His clothes are torn, his whole body is full of cuts. I look into his eyes and one tear escapes and rolls down his cheek. With that, his knees buckle and he falls on the ground and disappears into ashes.

"AVERY! WAKE UP!" Dylan?

My eyes fly open and comes in view Dylan's face. His eyes are filled with worry. He is looking down at me. Both of his hands are cupping my face. I feel his warm palms against my wet cheeks. "We're you having a bad dream?" I stare at him blankly for some time. Why is he here?

Blinking rapidly, I slowly subside and gain consciousness. Shaking my head, I slowly push his hand away and sit up. I bring my knees to my chest and wrap my arms around my legs. Dylan places his hand on my back taking my attention. I look at his face and all I see is the reason for Marc's disappointment. I exhale and look around to find myself in Dylan's room.

I must have fallen asleep during the movie. That is why I hadn't gone back to my room. And maybe that is why I saw what I did in the dream. It is probably the first time I saw something like this, which involved someone other than Marc and me. I quickly climb off the bed and run across the room towards the door. Dylan starts calling my name again and again but I ignore. He jumps behind me and hurries to catch me. I reach for the doorknob and start opening the door when his palm bangs against the wood closing it with a loud thud. I spin around to face him. Our faces are inches apart and chests are touching. His eyes are boring into mine. His breathing is heavy and his jaw is tight. I start to move but he slams his other hand on the door catching me in. "Let me out!" I grit through my teeth.

"I told you I am not letting you go. Not this time." He affirms. I know he is not going to let me go. I can see the determination in his eyes. Frankly, I don't want to go but Marc's voice is playing in my ears over and over again.

"Please let me go. I can't stay here," I whisper, in a softer tone now.

"I won't let you go unless you tell me why you are behaving this way."

I gulp and look away. Sniffing, I look back at his face, marked with worry and nervousness. His features are tight and he is waiting for my answer. "Dylan, you don't understand."

"Make me!" He raises his voice a little. I open my mouth to say something but hold back. Why do I fall weak in front of him? I can't do that. He is affecting me in a way he should not. I should have never kissed him. I am not supposed to feel these things again. I can not break my promises.

"I can't! I can't! I should have never come close to you, okay? I should've never done what I did. Ever!" I yell.

"Why would you say that?" He fiches at my outburst. The frown on his forehead deepens. His face looks more troubled. I feel a strong ache in my chest. All I want to do is close the distance between us and just give in. But I can't. 

"Because it is the truth! It should have never happened. None of that. This is just complicating things. You are in this for your mother. I am in this for my family. This marriage is a business deal. Why do you need to know me? Why do we have to come close?" Saying these things are actually bringing me back to reality. I don't actually feel anything that I said but Dylan does, I'm sure. Maybe he likes seeing me this way. But even if he does not, this needs to stop.

"Because I can't stay away from you and neither can you stay away from me. If you think that by saying these things and hurting me you can get away then you are wrong!" Wow!

"Oh yeah? You can't tell me what I want and what I don't. I don't want any of this. I didn't want any of that. It's as simple as that. I need you to stay away from me!" I yell after a pause and push him with all my strength, catching him off guard. He stumbles back. I take this opportunity to open the door and run away. I have hurt him enough with my words. He will probably leave me alone. He won't talk to me again, he won't come near me. That's what I want. That's what I have to want. On reaching my room, I close the door and run towards the bed. I leap onto the bed and push my face into the pillow. His room smelled like him, and I've already lost that.

I pulled away. I broke another promise, this time to Dylan. Unable to hold back anymore, sobs start breaking through.

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