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I see the black truck behind me, again. This is for the third time I've noticed it. Ever since Brad told me about it, I couldn't help but think what if this truck was indeed following me. To some extent, I even thought, it might be someone Dylan sent to keep an eye on me but why would he do that? That sounds ridiculous. Moreover, I don't think Dylan will stalk me in this way.

I shake my thoughts away and focus on the road in front. A cold sensation creeps up my body. My eyes again fall on the truck through the side mirror. It has tainted glass, I can't see the driver. I slow down a bit to check if my assumption is right. And so does the truck. Scaring me a little. Someone is obviously following me and I don't have a good feeling about it. I gulp down releasing the dryness subsiding in my throat. I focus ahead, silently telling myself to keep driving. I keep increasing the pace very slowly but so does the truck.

Damnit! I see the turn leading to the eastern part of the fifth church street. It is the least crowded area in the neighbourhood being right in between the graveyard and the old church building. This side of the graveyard is just wall, no entrance and obviously, the church building is standing there in solace with branches growing on it's weakened walls. I turn the corner and enter the street. Even though this part of the city has fewer vehicles, I could still find a few passing by quite frequently. Now I don't think I have company at all. Seems like I am all alone.

My shoulders start getting heavy. Something feels terribly wrong. Something bad is going to happen. I can sense it. Or is it just my fear? I look at the truck through the side mirror. It is still behind me but all of a sudden, it slows down. I look at my speed indicator to check if by chance I've slowed down too, but no. I am still having a steady pace. I quickly move my gaze to the mirror to find the truck moving far from my car. Is it leaving me finally? I mean it's a good thing but that doesn't make any sense.

The truck stops taking me by surprise. The next moment, I find it rushing towards me with full force. My eyes widen and I quickly pull the gear and speed the car. I turn the steering as much as I can, not really caring if I hit the wall. All I can think of is to move away from its way. I know for sure that if it hits me with that force, then there is no way, I can be saved. The left front wheel of my car is already onto the sidewalk when the truck hits the back of my car. I lose complete control over it and the car spins and hits the wall on the driver's side. The glass on the driver's window shatters and the sharp tiny pieces cut into the skin of my face and arms. I moan in pain and fall on the other side. Pushing my hand out, I try to stop my self from hitting the gear shifter but instead my wrist twists making me wince in pain and my chest hits the rod. My foot slides off the clutch and a sharp thing cuts my ankle. With my right hand, I push myself up from that position and sit up straight. My head is spinning and weird dizziness is forming under my eyelids.

Not even a minute later, there is a huge thud at the back of the car and sound of glass shattering and falling on the floorboard. I jerk forward with the car. There is a sharp pain around my neck. The car hits the tree in front. My head hits the steering wheel with a huge force and my vision turns black.

"What do you mean you knew?" Dylan's voice pulls me out of my thoughts.

"I saw the car hit me, twice." His eyes widen and he jolts up on his feet.

"It hit you twice?!" I nod in answer and Dylan pushes his hands into his hairs and tugs on it. He starts pacing around the room. I can tell that he is doing it to calm himself down and quite frankly, I am a bit afraid of him now. Although there is a small naive part of me which is just satisfied knowing that he cares. It wasn't unknown to me that Dylan cares but I guess this shows exactly how much.

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