56. Worried Gaze

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Ryo fidgeted in the back of the car Kyouya had provided for her. It had been a surprise when he offered. She didn't want to take advantage of him, but when the others offered the same thing once she hesitated, there wasn't much of a choice. She was glad though. 

"You've been smiling much more lately. It's the least I could do to make the transition easier." He had said it so casually, she didn't know what else to do. Was she being naive? After so many years, shouldn't she be more cautious about this?

She had already talked to Yuu to be cautious. She didn't want him to get hurt any more than he already had been. He deserved better than she could give. Her brother deserved the world and she would be damned if he couldn't get it. It hurt to doubt if letting their father back in would help him. He was their father after all. 

Ryo spotted him before the car had come to a complete stop. 

Hiroyuki Hisakawa looked very similar to how she remembered. His dark brown hair was brushed out of his deep green eyes, his colors much darker than hers. There were smile wrinkles on his face that seemed to contrast the almost grim expression on his face as he waited for his escort. He had more muscle than she recalled. 

Taking a deep breath, she opened the door and moved to stand in front of him. 

His eyes widened as he took her in, and she was suddenly glad that she had pulled her hair up today. "Ryouka? Is that you?"

She winced slightly. "Yeah, it's me. I, uh, go by Ryo now."

"Ryo, alright," he said, glancing behind her. "Who's driving?"

"A friend from my school-" Why did she feel so hesitant to tell him about Ouran? "-has connections to a driving company. I figured it would be easiest this way."

He nodded and grabbed what few things he had. She turned around and the trunk opened. Her father was quick to place his things in the back and climb into the back. Ryo paused for a moment. A sarcastic thought sprouted in her mind which she tried to cut short. 

"Wow, what a reunion," she mumbled before getting back in herself. 

"Do you know where to go?" her father piped up, staring at the driver, who turned his gaze to her. She gave him a small nod. 

"I do, sir. I'll let you know when we're close to arrival." 

Ryo glanced out the window, unsure of what to say. 

"What have you been up to? Has Ryoji been treating you well?" he suddenly asked. 

She turned to face him but stopped and stared at the back of the driver's seat when she realized he was doing the same. "Actually, Yuu and I don't live with Haruhi and her dad."

"Then where have you been staying?"

She glanced over. "Yuu and I have our own place. All of your things are in the master bedroom. Mom's as well."

"You can't be old enough to afford a house while in school."

"I have a job contract actually, the house was a part of the negotiations."

He finally looked at her. "Impressive, Ryouka. How'd you manage that?"

"I created something that they needed," she answered. 

He nodded. "How are they paying you?" 

Ryo turned to look at him, confused. "What importance is that? I didn't enter a job contract without making sure that I wouldn't get screwed over."

"I wasn't saying that you did, Ryouka. I'm just trying to get an idea of how you've been living while I was gone," he shot back. "You were just a child, it can't hurt to ask those kinds of questions."

"I'm no longer a child, though Yuu still is. He's excited to meet you." Ryo faced the front again, watching from the corner of her eye. He nodded. 

"I hope he's been studying hard. Does he play a sport?" 

She let her shoulders slump at his questions. So he did care about Yuu. "Yuu has actually skipped a few grades. He's in middle school right now. He's an artist actually."


"Yes, artist. He's really talented actually."

Were things going well? They were talking, and he seemed at least somewhat interested in how they were doing. It might just take some time for him to relax. Maybe he was tired and needed a good night's rest. 

"How have you been?" she hesitantly asked after a few moments of silence. 


Ryo nodded and stared out the window for the remainder of the trip. 

It would take time. 

Once they arrived at the house, her father quickly left the car and grabbed his things. She sighed and leaned forward to thank the driver, who merely gave her a small smile and wished them luck. Hiroyuki was waiting at the door for her to unlock it. 

"Did you leave Yuu home alone?" he asked as she pulled out her keys.

"Yes, I-"

"That's incredibly irresponsible of you," he scolded. "Who knows what sort of trouble he could get into or what mess he could make? He's far too young to be trusted alone."

She blinked, stopping just before she pushed the door open. "I am well aware of how young my brother is. Anytime that I won't be home for an extended period of time, I either bring him along or ask Haruhi to watch him. I also have friends who are more than willing to spend time with him. In any event, Yuu is an incredibly well behaved kid."

"You're saying that you managed to raise him into a perfectly obedient boy?" he practically scoffed. 

Her eyes narrowed. "Yes, that is what I'm saying."

A bit thrown off, she pushed the door open. Instantly, the sound of footsteps sounded from the hall. A bit of relief washed over her as Yuu approached, one of his better pencils tightly held in his hand. 

"Yuu, this is your father," she piped up, taking her shoes off as their father made his way into the home, his eyes scanning every inch before stopping on him. "Say hello."

"Hi," he blurted. "I'm Yuu Hisakawa."

Her father nodded. "I know. It's good to see you."

Yuu grinned wildly once he was greeted. A second pair of footsteps caught her ear as she narrowed her eyes at Yuu. He didn't seem to notice, too entranced by the sight of their father. 

"Yuu, who else-"

Kyouya emerged from the kitchen, drying his hands. She pressed her lips together at the odd sight as he adjusted his glasses. "Welcome back, Miss Ryo. I hope you don't mind that I kept Mr. Yuu company while you were gone."

She shook her head and moved closer to him. "No, thank you for watching him. I suppose I should introduce you-" 

"Pleasure to meet you sir, my name is Kyouya Ootori. I happen to be a friend and classmate of your daughter," Kyouya said, taking a step forward to address her father. 

"Hiroyuki Hisakawa," he stated. "Right back at you."

Ryo turned around to see her father pass by her, eyes scanning every inch of the home he could. Yuu slowly followed like a lost duckling, confusion written all over his face. She watched her father glance in each room until he found the master bedroom. The door shut behind him and didn't open again.

She sighed, quickly falling into a chair. Yuu hurried over to her, and she lightly played with his hair as she stared off to where her father had disappeared. "It's going to take time."

"Are you alright?" Kyouya asked. 

She glanced at him, holding out a hand which he quickly took in his own. "I didn't expect sunshine and rainbows, but it's going to take time."

Yuu was still young. Ryo had to be the one to stand strong and firm, especially if he continued to ignore her brother as he had just done. A sense of fury started to build as her worried gaze turned into a glare. 

"Thank you for watching Yuu while I was away, Kyouya," she muttered. "I'll keep you updated."

"I appreciate it."

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