5. Unwarranted Idea

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In the end, the hero won and the villian became good. The two siblings cheered at the climax and hollered as the credits began to roll. Then came the struggle that was finding the next movie.

"Come on Big sis!"

"Yuu, suddenly using a nickname like that isn't going to sway my opinion."

"Aw, please!?"

Ryo rolled her eyes and reached for the remote when a familiar chime reached her ears. The familar series of tones echoing from her phone caused the girl to jump up and race to her laptop.

System Alert:
[1] Unidentifiable and Unregistered object(s) being transported into the building. Action is recommended.

Ryo sighed, and closed the message. With a smirk on her face, she turned towards the curious eyes of her brother.

"Yuu, how would you like to come see Ouran Academy?"

The brunette boy cheered slightly before a frown filled his face.

"Well, I can show you the secret passageways and after we can play tag in the rose maze. But if you want we can always stay home and watch a documentary?"

"School! School!" Yuu quickly shouted.

She smirked. "That's what I thought you would say. Let's hurry and get packed up."

The siblings changed into more suitable clothing, and grabbed a bag each. They grabbed a cheap blanket each, water, chargers, and Yuu grabbed his sketch pad.

"Yuu, any ideas for lunch?" Ryo called, looking through the couboards.

"No! Have you seen my pencils?"

"Check your school bag! If not try using a different medium!" With pursed lips she tried to find something they could grab quickly.

"Found them!" Yuu said as he walked through the doorway. He was wearing jean shorts and a red plaid shirt. His hair was crazy as usual, and his black converse were tied neatly.

"Hey, how about cup ramen?" Turning around with two of the Styrofoam cups, his face lit up.

"Whoa, yes!"

Ryo tucked them into her bag and began pushing him out the door. She wore jean capri's and a purple tanktop. A white sweater was drapped over her shoulders, and her hightops were tight around her ankles.

The two brunettes hurried down the street, catching few odd stares. It was only once they got closer to the school that people began to stare. After all, why would two people of such low wealth be hanging around a place as impressive as the academy?

Ryo lead her brother through the gates, smiling as he found himself amazed at the many sculptures and decorative carvings.

They made their way through the empty halls towards the music room. The doors were propped open, and the brunettes could hear the voices drifting into the hall.

"Yuu, can you take my bag and wait here?" she asked. He nodded and held onto her bag. The boy sat up against the wall, pulling out his sketch book.

Ryo walked into the room, spotting Kyouya as he directed the workers to place crate down.

"I thought I told you to inform me when you were expecting such large amounts of products," she spoke up, making her way over to them. "The system threw a fit when you had your tropical theme."

"Ah yes, it seemed to have slipped my mind," he stated, directing the crate of white table cloths into a back room.

Suddenly her phone chimed repeatedly, causing her to freeze. Ryo whipped her phone out to see the same alert from that morning.

System Alert:
[ 7 ] Undentifiable and Unregistered object(s) being transported into the building. Action is recommended.

"Kyouya..." she growled.


"School's not even in session. What in the world are you doing here?" Ryo sighed, giving up.

"Exactly. With the absence of the majority of students, it is the optimum time to recieve packages for the upcoming event."

"What event is this?" she inquired, informing the system that she was taling care of the issue.

The shadow king didn't get to reply, as the two Hitachin brothers appeared.

"Hey, Kyouya, look what we found in the hallway," they exclaimed.

"Hey! Let me go!" Ryo quickly turned around to see Yuu in the arms of the twins. "You ginger creeps!"

"Yuu!" she exclaimed. "I understand that they are freaking you out, but such language is rude."

He pouted, going limp in their arms. "I apologize."

The twins exchanged a look, but gently let him down. Just then, the rest of the hosts appeared, including Haruhi. The girl seemed shocked at the appearance of not only Ryo but Yuu as well.

"Yuu, go back into the hall." He quickly turned around and left. Ryo looked at the hosts, frustration on her face. "What in the world are you planning now?"

Kyouya pushed his glasses up. As he quickly explained the details of their ceremony, despair fell onto the girl.

"Damn, those things are such a security risk..." she muttered. "Thanks. I'll be nearby, and you know how to contact me."

She waved, leaving the host club behind. As she ushed Yuu towards her library, her mind began to wander towards such a fancy dance. The image of dancing with a certain raven haired host floated into her mind, and she quickly shook her head.

She had no time for such unlikely events. Even so, a faint blush spread across her face. Where did such an unwarranted idea come from anyway?

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