20: Confidence

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Ryo was missing from school for the next two weeks as the date for her deal with the Ootori family had finally come. It was a long process of many late nights and early mornings as she prepared both herself and the company. 

The blueprint of the building had been stretched across the dining room table long enough that even Yuu, who only saw it in the mornings and just before he went to bed, was starting to recognize different sections. She was glad that the contract only asked for her assistance in planning rather than her system. The sheer size was much more than she could even comprehend.

It had gotten to the point where she asked Ranka to take Yuu in so that she could stay on-site while working. Kyouya had been a frequent contact as he kept her updated on the host club as well as a liaison for his family. She felt guilty about the messages he had received, damning the family for not informing her of something or the minimal time she was given. But it was a necessary evil if he wanted her best work she told herself. 

Ryo would rather die than let such an influential company in Japan be displeased with her work. 

The Tropical Aqua Garden, they called it. It was a good investment on their part. There would be a number of people who would make use of it to get the feel of a vacation while maintaining their ability to work the next day. 

At the current point and time, she was merely marking out problem areas and helping the designers find ways to monitor the area while giving a feeling of privacy. She had already stopped the family from having wild animals wander the area after dropkicking a snake when it suddenly dropped onto her shoulders. The compromise was specific areas blocked off from the rest where the animals were free to wander and where guests were free to join them at the risk of their own safety. There were still birds flying around and making homes in the trees, but Ryo had relented since they were remarkably less dangerous than alligators. 

It was a work in progress on both ends. 

"Hisakawa? You're here too?" 

Exhausted from yet another late night, Ryo looked up from her laptop to see the host club approaching the small pavilion area she was taking a break at. Haruhi was being gently pushed along by the twins, looking in no way excited for what the day had in store. 

Ryo didn't envy her.

"Yes," she replied, going back to her work. 

"She currently has a contract with my family to oversee and advise the instillation of a proper security system for when we open to the public in a month," Kyouya explained to the somewhat dumbfounded club members. "We have received plenty of data and suggestions from her to ensure the safety and pleasure of our guests."

She glared at the taller male for a moment before returning to her work. "I certainly hope that wasn't sarcastic, Mr. Ootori. I don't think many people would appreciate tropical snakes falling onto them."

He smirked, ignoring her words. She had given him a rather irate call that day, her sleep-deprived mind barely registering the snake until she had kicked it off into the jungle. As such, there had been a number of zoologists and animal handlers the next day to carefully transport the majority of the snakes, alligators, and other animals into secured exhibits. It was impossible to gather them all at once.

"Take a break, Miss Ryo," he finally asked, setting up at the table next to hers. "You might as well enjoy the space while you are here."

She closed her eyes and leaned back in her chair. "I've been staying in one of the resort rooms this last week. It's a beautiful hotel. I'm thankful you have allowed me to stay here while working."

"It's no loss on our part. The Ootori family prides itself on taking care of its business partners, which you are as of this contract. Besides, between your experiences and the host club, we'll have gained some valuable data." 

She laughed. "Ah, there it is. I'd be more surprised if there wasn't a reason you brought them."

"I am serious though. You have been working hard, and I am well aware of how little you have used that room of yours."

Ryo looked over to find him giving her an unimpressed look. She returned it. "I've got too much to do."

"Hikaru, Kaoru," he suddenly called out, drawing the twins' attention away from Haruhi and towards the two of them. "Would you please show Miss Hisakawa to the changing rooms? I'm assuming she'll be able to find a suit from your mother's collection."

"You-" she exclaimed, cut off as the twins quickly grabbed her arms with devilish smiles. Kyouya adjusted his glasses and gave her a smile. Before she could say anything more, the Hitachiin boys dragged her away, chattering away about the rare opportunity to spend time with her.

Ryo had been wearing a looser t-shirt and shorts, but as she was presented with what appeared to be hundreds of designer swimsuits, she groaned. There was no way she was getting away without changing, but she was thankful that the maids in charge of the suits were currently gone. Her green eyes scanned the room, wincing at the more risque suits her cousin would likely be taunted with. Personally, she didn't like showing too much skin. The thought of parading around in something similar to what she had seen Renge in only put her on edge. 

Reluctantly, before anyone arrived to change her choice, she switched into a  high-waisted black swim skirt that was longer than the rest and it's matching top. She pulled her shirt back over her head, tying it at her waist so that it didn't cover her skirt, hoping that would be enough for the hosts. She carefully took her hair down, running her fingers through the strands. The sleeve slipped off of her left shoulder, but hearing chatter outside the door, she quickly gathered her clothes and shoved the door open. 

Her eyes widened as she saw everyone but Kyouya crowded outside the door. 

"What-" she sputtered, taking a step back. 

"Wow, Ryo-chan!" Honey chirped, pulling on her arm. "You look really pretty with your hair down!"

"You look good Hisakawa," the twins mused, looking serious for a moment before shoving Tamaki her way. "What do you think boss?"

"Honey is right, you look good with your hair down," he blurted, looking confused. "You should wear it like that more often."

The twins frowned. "No, her swimsuit!"

"Ah- It suits you." The blond sputtered for a moment, but his host charms quickly kicked in. "Modest and charming, perfect for a powerful but shy flower like you."

She blinked, eyes narrowing. "Don't try to host me, Suoh."

"You know Ryo-chan, you're really fun when you aren't working," Honey mused. She glanced at her upperclassman, his eyes meeting hers for a moment. 

"I am here on a contract at the moment, so technically I still am," she replied. 

"I guess, but you're more relaxed now than when we first met!" he chirped. 

"I... I suppose that is true." 

A lot had changed since she had first started at Ouran. 

Ryo fidgeted, looking around at the club, noticing Haruhi give her a small smile and thumbs up. Flushing slightly, she quickly walked away to get back to work, hearing the twins mock Tamaki behind her. On her way back to her laptop, she couldn't help but pause by one of the many pools, peering in at her reflection. 

A small but of confidence bloomed in her as she recalled the positive reactions of the hosts. Sure, they spent their free time wooing women, but they weren't the type to lie when off the clock. Ryo ran a hand through her hair, pausing as a yawn cut her thoughts short. 

What she wore didn't matter, she was here to work- 

The thing she did best. 

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