24. Fortify

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Ryo rubbed her eyes with a sigh, setting her glasses down on the table. She knew she needed to head to bed soon or else she would end up pulling an all-nighter. The light from her laptop was starting to burn at her eyes. There was a chill in the air that she couldn't escape. 

The brunette took in a breath and put her glasses back on. 

Her work was long overdue so there was no time to waste. 

Before long, streaks of sunlight were starting to curve over the horizon. A yawn escaped her lips as she made herself some coffee. After that, she prepped for school. Books, lunches, and the like were collected and placed in the two bags.

It was then that she woke her younger brother.

"Yuu, time to get up," she called. When he emerged, his hair ruffled and messy, she attempted to comb it slightly with her fingers before giving up. 

"Morning," he yawned. 

"Morning, make sure you get a comb through that hair of yours."

Seeing he was waking up, she moved to her room. Ryo pulled on her pale yellow button-up shirt and black slacks, making sure nothing was too wrinkled from the wash. She slipped the blue suit jacket over her shoulders and pulled a brush through her dark brown hair. 

For a brief moment, she stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her hair was spilling over her shoulders. She liked how it looked down. 

But so did he. 

With a quick motion, she pulled the strands up into a tight ponytail and hurried to check on her brother's progress.

At the sight of him, she sighed. "Yuu, come on. Get a comb through that mess you call hair."

"Stop," he groaned through a mouthful of cereal. "Your such a mom."

She flicked him the forehead before continuing to try and tame his mane. At the very least, she wanted it to look somewhat purposeful that it was such a mess. The familiarity of the conversation brought a warm feeling to her chest as she smiled. 

"You should try to think of a better insult."

The two siblings soon locked up their apartment and began the walk to school.

Her green eyes were quickly covered by her glasses as she approached the gate, and she pulled out a notebook of notes to scan as she moved. With purposeful steps, she made her way past her classroom. 

She walked past Kyouya, her pace not faltering as he stepped forward and opened his mouth. Ryo didn't hear what he was going to say. Standing directly in front of her, Tamaki looked down at her with an almost blank expression, stopping her path to the library. 

"Hisakawa," he called out. 

"Suoh," she replied, stepping around him. 

"Wait- Let us-"

She didn't stop. 

Ryo pushed open the door, taking in a deep breath. This library was her safe zone, but she had to be careful. She had shown Kyouya after all.

With books and work in hand, she made her way to the back corner and walked down the narrow steps.

She sat down in her spot, doing a quick check of the system and any new alerts before putting her attention into her school work. The screen of her phone lit up, with no sound coming from the device. Taking a moment to finish writing, she picked it up. 

Would you be willing to meet with 
me at some point to talk?

She looked at the message, emotions rising up into a storm that she couldn't understand or comprehend. 

That entirely depends on what you

wish to discuss Mr. Ootori.

Ryo was stubborn. She was going to avoid the conversation he wished to have for as long as possible. A voice in her was telling her to just get it over with so that she could focus on her system and Yuu, but she wondered if she would be able to keep the distance she needed. There was no doubt that she felt incredibly betrayed by the hosts. 

She thought that she had been rather upfront with them whenever they had asked something of her. She might have been wrong. 

I would like to talk to you. 
I made an err in judgment. 

To be frank, I would prefer that
the relationship between us stay
strictly professional if that is what
you are referring to. 

Ryo felt like it was a bit harsh. 

There was no way to get around it, however. 

She had a feeling that Tamaki would be on her back regardless, but it was possible to take one nuisance out of the picture for a while. 

I'm glad that we are on the same page.

Despite being the one to say so first, she felt her heart stop for a moment. 

My mistake was in not giving you time to 
tell me of your background before I asked 
someone else to do so. 

I will not make that mistake again.

As such, I request that you inform me of any
other additions/changes to your information
as long as I employ your services. 

When you get the chance to meet with me, I 
will explain the details of a request from the
Ootori family emailed to you. 

Ryo dropped her phone on the desk and ripped off her glasses, throwing them down as well. She leaned back in her seat, her chest tight. Whatever sorrow she had been feeling was quickly burning away with rage. 

Kyouya Ootori was someone who would do whatever it took to achieve his goals. He was the third son who despite his many talents would likely not be given any claim over his family's companies. Of course, he would use the commoner girl with something he needed to further his agenda. He had brought her to his family, and thus her achievements were no better than his own. 

The thoughts felt wrong. Ryo didn't know what to think. 

She thought that she had known him a bit better, just enough to see sides of him that he didn't show others. She thought that they were truly friends. 

It took her a while to gather her thoughts. When she grabbed her phone to reply, there was another message waiting. 

Do you know anything about 
Lobelia Academy? 

Her eyes narrowed. 

Yes. I do. However, I am quite 
busy at this time. Please look into
it on your end.

Ryo was going to defend herself first. 

Her walls had been resurrected again, but they needed time to fortify.

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