21. Special Brand of Trouble

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"I'm going to the control center now, I'm going to check on any blind spots in the cameras," she stated, gathering her things. "Message me if something comes up."

She didn't wait for a response as she walked off. 

After the compliments and praise from the club, she was feeling a bit uncomfortable and was more than ready to get some time alone to work. A yawn escaped her lips as she walked down the path that would lead further into the resort. Her bag was heavy on her shoulder as she walked, finding herself at that point of exhaustion were she felt wide awake. 

"Tonight, I'm sleeping," she told herself, unsure of how well that would work out. 

She had to admit, the tropical atmosphere they had created in the space was nice. Birds sang in the trees above her, one of the few animals that had been left alone. It was an impressive feat that she knew was only possible because of the money behind the family name. 

Ryo knew she would be unlikely to get to such a level in her lifetime. 

It was a miracle that she had contracts with both the Ootori's and the Suoh's.

The brunette shook her head. She needed to have faith in her system. It had gotten her this far and anyone who knew about it had been impressed. She had put her soul into it in order to provide for her brother and she wouldn't let anyone tell her otherwise. 

It took a while, but soon Ryo arrived at the control center. A modest-sized building tucked away in the jungle, away from the majority of sites, but no less extravagant than the others. Ryo pushed open the door and was greeted with a wave of air conditioning. With familiar movements, she turned the computers on and pulled up the already installed camera feeds. 

She relaxed in the seat, watching the chaos the host club was causing. Clearly, the twins had gotten Tamaki riled up for some reason, as the three were engaged in an oddly serious water fight. 

A notification filled her sight as her system searched for problems in the Ootori's system. She hadn't expected anything to happen. There was a blank screen for the areas still undeveloped, but larger images of the host club and other areas quickly lit up the otherwise dark room. 

"Ah, great," she hissed, easily finding the camera with a cracked and glitching feed. 

Luckily, it didn't appear to be that far away. Grabbing the proper tools and equipment, she emptied out her bag and put them inside. Ryo didn't want to leave her laptop, but she knew it was necessary in order to keep herself somewhat aware of what was going on. 

The brunette hummed lightly to herself as she followed the map on her phone, keeping an eye out for the camera in question. She yawned, glad that there wasn't much else for her to do. Still, someone skilled would be needed so in order to keep an eye on the condition of all of the cameras. 

Ryo climbed up into the tree, situating herself between three branches, one between her legs, and two supporting her back while keeping her in place. With careful movements, she pulled the camera into her lap. 

Her phone began to ring, forcing her to pause in her work. "Hisakawa speaking."

"Ryo, good. The twins and Tamaki accidentally hit the control that was hidden in the totem pole," Kyouya said, instantly catching her attention. "As such Honey got washed away since he was in the water at the time. Can you track him down?"

Ryo took a moment to process what he had said. "He isn't with you anymore?"

"That is correct."

She sighed, rubbing her eyes. "Unfortunately, since there are so many undeveloped areas, I highly doubt that I'll be able to catch a glimpse of him on any cameras. The garden isn't using my system, so I don't have access to instant alerts. I have my system searching for weak points or anomalies."

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