"Have you read more books?"

"I've read plenty over the years, including that one." He uses his chin to point to mine.

I look down at the book in my hands. So he knows how it ends. "Do you think they are meant to be together?"

He blinks at me then shrugs. "They came from opposing countries in the middle of a war. If either of the fathers knew how Ryder or Josephine felt, they would have killed them. If it was me though and I knew she felt the same, I would have fought for our love."

Terrible answer! I shouldn't have asked that... I shift in my seat and can't stop the next question that comes to mind.

"Do they?"

He shakes his head smiling. "You are going to have to read it yourself to find out." Then winks.

I sigh through my nose again and bend my legs up so I can rest the book against my thighs. I am about halfway in the story. It wouldn't take much longer to finish it. I want to know how it ends...

My eyes lift up to his and he's watching me, his head is tilted to the side. "Have you been avoiding me?" He asks quietly as he leans forward, lacing his fingers together.

I shake my head, our eyes locked. "No, I've just been busy." A finger idly runs down the spine of the book.

"I understand if you are and want some space because of the other night. Just know you needn't be afraid of me." He turns away first, chewing on the inside of his lip. "You can trust me."

"I am not afraid of you. I know you won't do anything." I'm just more afraid of Maude... When our eyes meet I give him a kind smile but he frowns.

"Is it something I did or said then? Do you not want to go to the ball?"

Right, the ball is in a few days. We will be expecting guests soon and I completely forgot. What do I say? If I listen to Maude at all, that would mean that I shouldn't go to the ball but he bought the gown for me... If he sees you with another, Seb will back off. That's what Maude said...

I chew my lip thinking of what to tell him. He's watching me intently. What do I say? "No... I'm just having second thoughts on going... what will Maude or the guests think when they see us together?"

He blinks at me and leans back not breaking eye contact. "They will probably think that we are a handsome couple." He answers with a grin.

I stop myself from rolling my eyes up and laugh instead. "A King and his servant don't make a good couple."

"Says who?"

It was the first thing he told me when I got here. He lifts an eyebrow at me as I gaze back. "Everyone." I answer sitting up. "I don't think it is right for me to go to that sort of event. You should be going with a noblewoman not some servant who has no future, you don't deserve that." What could he gain from me. We can't be together, he should know this. He said it himself; that royals and servants aren't seen together.

Sebastian runs a hand through his hair exasperatingly and his eyes fall to the floor. "That's not true... Above all, you are my friend. I want you there to celebrate my birthday." He says quietly, his eyes not leaving that spot on the floor. "A King should marry someone suitable to be queen someday. That means any woman he sees fit, regardless of status."

My fingers wrap tighter around the book when he gazes back up at me. Oh my... 

"I'll leave you to it..." He says after slapping his hands on his thighs. "Don't be a stranger." He says with a wink then stands up and tousles my hair as he walks past me. "And don't back out of my invitation! King's order!" He yells behind me, leaving the room.

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