Chapter 24

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Absolutely amazing fanart by @Churei3 on twitter!

Also, new cover? Pog?

Third Person's POV:

A burst of excitement, thrill, and adrenaline shot through Tommy's body at the arrival of a letter. It came in a small parcel, scented with the familiar scent of honey and sweets. The young man practically tumbled down the stairs at Bad's announcement. 

But don't get him wrong, Tommy was not clingy. He just wanted to make sure his friend was alright. That was it. 

Anyways, the beige, callous parchment had read a wonderful news. It was sloppily written and poorly spelled, like most things Tubbo wrote. Evidently, this just implied that Eret didn't do a spell check this time. The message was privately between Tubbo and him, and that made Tommy's chest swell a bit. 

As Tommy's foot carried down the corridor, posture slumped like a twisted, bended pole, he headed over to Techno's room. The blonde was chattering, chirping to himself as he scuttered down the hall, repeating two phrases in his mind. 

Tubbo is coming to the castle. Tubbo is staying until Skeppy's coronation.

That was the thought that excited him so.

"YOO BLADEEE!!" the teen shouted, practically vibrating in excitement. The door handle was loose, disclosing that the room was very much unlocked. Uncharacteristic, probably a cause for alarm, but it just meant Tommy was too excited, so he just barged in anyways. 

Grinning madly, he threw open the door. A cool gust of crisp, morning breeze hit his body, along with rays of warm sun. He beam, ready to exclaim the news, when...


Tommy's eyes were widened in complete, utter shock. The shout had ripped pass his lips, polluting the air with this blank silence. 

The Blade, in his stupid crown and a slightly oversized, green hoodie, was lounging on the bed. He held a browned, dusty book, flipping each page with grace and meticulent. And by that bastard, was Dream.

Techno glanced up, boring the expression of annoyance. He scowled, "Shut up, Tommy. Dream's asleep—"

"WILBUR IS ABOUT TO GO TO WAR FOR BIG D OVER HERE, AND YOU'RE FUCKING CUDDLING?!" Tommy snapped back, throwing both arms up in annoyance. 

For a moment, Techno contemplated responded with his usual, nonchalant '...yes', but he had a feeling, and hear him out here, that Tommy may or may not be a little pissed off...

Regardless, before the prince could answer, Dream stirred, just barely, and cuddled closer to the other. Slits of a green irises revealed itself, a result of his wake.

"Techno...?" He slurred, yawning sleepily and turning to his fiancé. The other visibly flushed at the husky, morning voice. He reached out a pale hand and ruffled the blonde tuffs of an already frazzled bedhead.

"Good morning, Dream." Techno acknowledged softly. He flashed this gaze, the kind with a slight, tender smile, almost cooing in its disposition. It was a look he only really gave Floof.

Ew. Simps. Tommy thought to himself.

With a petulance in his wave, he began to call again, "HELLO?! Big Man?! When did you get here?!"


"Oh. Hi Tommy," Dream noted, both tired and unamused. His dazed expression, the spaced out look, brought this boiling to other's blood.

Tommy, the male in question, made an annoyed face, opening his mouth to complain. Only, he trails off upon realization of something. His eyes darted between the two. For the first time in forever, Tommy, was silent. Thinking.

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