Chapter 12

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A/N: Sorry for the wait! To make up for it, this chapter is extra long! Also Techno win poggers! Both did amazing though!!

Techno's POV:

The morning sun rained upon my face, peaking through the curtains like rays of gold. Rather than the normal, refreshing wake, my head throbbed painfully. I felt nauseous and ill. As if someone had knocked my head with a club earlier and I was suffering the aftereffects.

"Fuck!" I cursed, flopping away from the sunshine. It was then that I noticed the cold emptiness of my bed. There was no one besides me.

Weren't Dream and I supposed to be sharing? If so, did he leave?

A mild disappointment swelled in my chest, settling heavily through my body. I didn't understand why his absence saddened me so much, but it still felt like a smack in the face. He could've woke me up at least...

Groaning once more, I gripped my head in pain. A thought began boggling my mind.

What happened last night?

I remembered drinking a little, being dragged back to my room, Dream wishing me goodnight. Then, I said goodnight back and...


"You weren't asleep?!" Dream asked shakily. From the dim moonlight, I could tell he had taken a couple steps back, likely out of embarrassment.

Sitting up tiredly, I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, "Nope...Were you gonna kiss me?"

The words fell loosely and bluntly, impassive like I always was. In response, he seemed to freeze up, body going rigid.

"Of course not, you drunkard! Go to sleep!" he snapped, almost frantically. Dream began turning away, likely to leave the room, when suddenly...

"Wait!" I called after, reaching both my arms.

In a burst of instincts (and alcoholic tendencies), my body pulled out of bed, wrapping both arms around his sides. I could hear the low beating of his heart.

Warm. It felt warm. A soft breath escaped my lips. A breathy whisper.

"Don't go...please."


Instantaneously, both hands shot toward my face, gripping at my increasingly heating cheeks. Embarrassment and shame burned through my entire body. I heaved a nervous, shaky breath.

"What happened after?" I muttered, smacking at my face. If I hit hard enough, I might remember. "What did I do?!"

That was the end of my memories. It left a cold, painful pit in my stomach. A despairing sadness swelled within me. Had I been rejected? Is this why Dream left early? Why am I so upset about it?!

With another uneasy sigh, I planted against the pillow, drowning my face in fabric. My hands gripping tightly against the sheets below me, almost puncturing a hole.

"...I'm sure it's not that bad... I'll ask him later..."

Skeppy's POV:

Just half an hour left before the competition. Practically everyone was gathered at this point, stretching, preparing, getting in last minute practice...

The first event we were doing was some sort of parkour. The course looked rather daunting, much larger and grander than last year. Probably to impress Technoblade. The king was always obsessed with impressing Techno.

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