Chapter 8

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A/N: I'm sorry this took so long! I was watching mcc (yay parrots) and just had this huge writer's block for like so long. Anyways, hope you enjoy.

Skeppy's POV:
When you've known someone for 8 years and courted them for 5, you start developing a profile of their little quirks and details. I wasn't the most... book-smart person in the world, but I did have a good grasp on emotions. And with this information, I can safely declare that I had a read on Techno, despite his emotionless self.

As we sat in an empty study, tea set by the coffee table, I came in full glimpse of his state. Unruly, lazed, agitated. His curls were frazzled, unkempt, his shirt a crinkled mess. Judging from the distracted look and the fidgeting hands, I could tell he was anxious.

"What's wrong?" I asked, flashing a concerned look.

He waved me off, before clicking his teeth. "Just wary of who might come in. I'm tryin' to avoid someone."

It was pretty obvious who 'someone' was.

"So, what'd you need?"

The words were like a deep rumble, low and drawled. Though still oddly soothing. Despite it being his normal, indifferent voice, in exhibited a mildly tense aura.

"Well, I came here for some advice, but Bad told me you weren't... in an good state..." I started, giving him a once over. He crossed his legs haughtily at that, posture straightening.

"I'm fine." He replied curtly. Lifting a teacup, he took an almost passive aggressive sip.

I rose a brow, flashing a doubtful look.

"Don't lie to me, Techno. I've known you for like 8 years. What did Drea-"

"If I wanted a therapist, I'd call Wilbur. It's not your business, Skeppy." He interrupted. Setting the cup down, he shot a condescending glare.

"And, do I really seem like the person to get bothered by some insignificant peasant?" He continued childishly. He was looking into his tea intently, disturbance written all over his face.

"You do, Technonoob. You're not a nice person."

He scoffed at that, body language tensing up defensively.

"That is the biggest lie ever told. I am a beacon of virtue and benevolence!"

I scowled, growing annoyed.

"Don't use big words I don't understand! You're trying to make me seem dumb!"

"That's because you are!"

He began mocking my intelligence, but I knew it was a trick to change the subject. Knowing this, I pressed further.

"Look, I don't know what happened between you and Dream, but it's stressing Bad out, so-"

"Nothin' happened! We're completely fine! Aren't we supposed to be here for you? Didn't you want advice or somethin'?" Techno began rambling, fidgeting in his seat. His voice was jittery, strained, a sign of panic.


He ignored me completely, continuing to babble nonsense, even tripping over his words. His shuffling was beginning to increase, face going red with distress.

"Hey hey hey hey!" I interrupted, both arms going to his shoulders. I redirected his face upwards. "Calm down, Techno. I'm not interrogating you."

The words pulled to an abrupt stop, his expression softened.

"My bad..." he muttered, averting my gaze.

"Don't worry, it's fine..."

My voice trailed off, eyes widening in horror. A sudden wetness had trickled down Techno's face, formed into tiny, pearly droplets. They cascaded, almost gracefully past his cheeks. It was the first time I've ever seen him cry.

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