Chapter 15

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Squid's POV:

Being chased down in a long, clammy corridor by a murderous lunatic was not my ideal situation. And yet, it happened.

Sure, some people would've paid to get murdered by Technoblade, but that was clearly not me.

After a relentless 5-minute pursuit, Techno managed to tackle me to the ground. Eventually, Skeppy intervened, but not before the pig got a hit in. And boy does he hits hard.

"Ow... fucker smacked my head," I groaned, clutching at my face. The pain was throbbing.

Sighing tiredly, I glared at the figure beside me. "I pushed your stupid fiancé. Now pay up. Extra for the liabilities."

Laughing, Dream handed me a stack of coins. He had paid me earlier to knock Techno into him. Lucky him, I was shameless and in financial ruin after potato farming for months.

"You have a mental illness... who in the world wants to be pushed?" I asked, crossing my arms questioningly. He gave a sheepish expression, laughing a little.

"I was supposed to catch him, and it was gonna be all suave... but that didn't happen..."

The blonde sighed, shoulders sinking a little. A dreamy expression crossed his face.

"He's so... Techno is just too perfect isn't he..."

I rolled my eyes, ignoring the lovestruck man beside me. Didn't these two hate each other like 2 days ago?

Whatever. Don't care. Got paid anyways.

"Yo, Dream." I interrupted suddenly, cutting off his infatuated ramble. The blonde glanced over curiously. "He's my nemesis, okay? You can marry him and all that, but he's my nemesis."

Dream paused for a moment, before laughing. "Yeah, yeah. I got it."

"And take care of him too. He's a lot to handle..." I added uneasily. [Shivers in potato war]

Dream nodded. "I know. Wilbur's already grilled me on this before, you don't have to worry."

His voice sounded shaken, a little trembly. Didn't blame him. Serious Wilbur was scary.

"Well, in that case, have fun with your fiancé. I'll see you at your wedding."

What a strange guy...

Dream's POV:

Squid was actually okay, despite getting off on the wrong foot. I mean, at the end of the day, we're all Techno's rivals, right?

As the bluenette finally left, there was the sudden shrill of Bad's voice calling to me from outside.

"Hurry up, you muffinheads! We have to get going!"

There was a cheery lilt in his tone. Excitement.

Nodding, I strolled down the stairs, heading out the huge, dark oak doors. From the patio, I noticed rows of vehicles, all getting ready to leave.

"You seem happy?" I mused, strolling toward our carriage. "Did Skeppy confess or something?"

He glowed a peachy red at that, eyes averting bashfully. Shaking his head, he flashed a wordless smile.

A crush.

As Bad began looping to the other side of the carriage, there was a sudden tap on my shoulder.

"We're leaving?" Techno piped. Startled, I jolted, nearly punching his face.

"Oh sh-"

"LANGUAGE!" Bad interrupted. "Don't say that, you ragamuffin!"

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