Chapter 15 - A... Charming Prince?

Start from the beginning

'Shakespeare's a god.' I sort of slurred. What? I was a lightweight. The additional consumption of champagne on top of my earlier wine consumption had made me tipsy.

Adrian grinned at me after taking a sip from the bottle which he pulled from my hand. 'How did you work that one out?'

I frowned at him like he was the biggest idiot alive. 'He made up words, [duh].'

He let out a chuckle before facing me. He was lying down; propped up on one elbow staring at me and I was sitting up staring into the night.

'So? I can make up words. Spilosh. See.'

I pulled a face. 'What?'

'Spilosh. It's a made up word. Am I a god now?'

I playfully smacked him on the arm. 'That's not the same.'

He took another sip before munching on a spare Kit Kat. 'Why not?'

I sighed. 'Shakespeare wrote things... Important things. It was like he wrote about things - concepts - in a way that was ahead of his time, and he was considered a literary genius for it. Still is.' I smirked. 'Jealous?'

He ignored my question and looked at me in amusement with a touch of seriousness. 'A lot of authors are literary geniuses.' He continued. 'What makes him so different or even that much more important than the rest?'

I shrugged. 'Probably the way his plays and epilogues turned out.' I told him. 'All of his plays were deep; filled with hidden meanings and with important morals of the story. Some of his works were tragedies - take Romeo and Juliet. Two star-crossed lovers fated to love each other at first sight, which  led to their deaths.

From that you can gather the importance of certain things such as love, and really understand that when things mean too much to us they can become dangerous and perhaps instead you should just let go of them before they come to bite you in the ass.'

Adrian was staring at me intensely. 'So what's the moral of that story?' He persisted. 'Don't fall in love?'

I picked at the grass by my feet with my fingers. 'Maybe... Maybe we shouldn't fall in love. Or perhaps at least, we shouldn't fall in love with people who are wrong for us. Romeo and Juliet were enemies belonging to two separate families with a feud that had lasted for several generations before them. Although their love was fated, it was clear that things would never work out between them. Not even their love was strong enough to change the situation that they were in. They should've just given up.'

I didn't dare look up at him as I continued to pick at the grass until I'd made a small bald patch in the earth. When I did look up, it was to see him eyeing me with a expression that I couldn't quite place.

'What?' I asked him.

He shook his head slightly as if to clear his thoughts and just smiled. 'Nothing. It sounded like you were talking with experience.'

I looked away. 'Yeah well...'

I suddenly froze when he grabbed my hand and squeezed it slightly. As pitiful as it seems the sweet gesture made my eyes water. 'Thank you.' I told him seriously.

He shook his head again, a soft smile touching lips. 'There's no need to thank me.'

When we got back it was nearing midnight.

'I hadn't realised we'd been gone for so long.' I told him as we were  stood outside my bedroom door.

'Neither had I. I hope you won't be too tired tomorrow.'

I waved him off. 'I've had later nights.' Many spent tossing and turning; thinking about Carlos. But I didn't say that bit out loud.

He must've read something in my eyes as I said it though because the look he gave me was one of sympathy.

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