An unpleasant truth

Start from the beginning

severus was on his feet, as was Blacky. Had he just heard right? Apparently, because the dog growled loudly and Hedwig hoote softly.
"A couple of blows?"
Only now did the boy seem to notice what he had said. he turned pale and tried to talk his way out of it. The child became more and more panicked. Severus had no other solution than the truth.
"Mr. Potter, look here. "
When he got the boy's attention he took off his cloak. he rolled up the sleeve of his right hand to the elbow.
On the pale skin one could see clear scars from cigarettes stuck out.
Harry slowly came closer, looking at the scars. Carefully he held out his hand. he shrank back briefly, but his teacher didn't pull his arm away. The boy gently touched the skin. He stroked the bumps carefully. Then he looked up at the man.
"My father was a heavy alcoholic, these are just a few of the keepsakes I have from him. That was also the reason why I was so good friends with your mother. I often spent days at your grandparents' house. Probably the reason why the friendship with Lily was no longer so strong is that the man died in my fifth year at Hogwarts. "
Harry was still looking at the scars. Blacky had come closer too. the dog saw the injuries and carefully licked them.
That made Severus smile.
After gently pushing the dog's snout away, he pulled the sleeve back down.

Harry looked at the man in front of him for a while. then he sat on the bed and stroked the monster book.
He began his report very quietly.
"I was put on the doorstep of my relatives. Immediately after my parents died, I only found out about that from Professor Mcgonagall. she was very angry with the headmaster for it.
My aunt found me the next morning. Of course, I can't remember the first few years, I don't know how they were.
My room was the closet under the stairs. I had to share the room with cleaning utensils and everything my relatives no longer needed. There was even a coat rack in it. My uncle had the nerve to tell me it was my Christmas present. I was there for five years.
I always had to help my aunt around the house. That wouldn't have been so bad, but Dudley never had to do anything. I even cleaned windows and cooked. The only thing I would have enjoyed looking after the garden, I wasn't allowed to do. my aunt doesn't even let professional gardeners work on her plants. Maybe it should, these things look pathetic.
My cousin has two rooms, one just for his toys. He's allowed to do everything and if something breaks it's my fault. even if I'm not even in the same room. If I didn't do something right, it hit me.
I was never allowed to ask questions, especially not about my parents. but of course they told me the story, that is, their story. So my parents were alcoholics and my mother made the money on the street. That's why nobody would know who my father is.
dudley and his friends always had fun beating me up. Once I ran away from them at school and suddenly I was on the roof. Guess who got into trouble for that.
besides, my relatives always thought that Dudley's old things were good enough for me. That was also the case with food. I only got what he left. Fortunately, my aunt always fattened up her 'little bundle of joy' at some point even he couldn't anymore.
Whenever I went on trips or on vacation, I was always given to Mrs. Figg. An old neighbor. Which was really mean, not because of me. but I don't think it's particularly nice to take advantage of the old lady's good nature. But at least I got enough to eat there.
When I got the letter from Hogwarts, I was allowed to move into another room. Because now I had Hedwig. Aunt Petunia was afraid that I would tell someone something. Mainly because my first letter was addressed to my old address under the stairs. But I was never allowed to keep my things. I can always do my homework on the train. "

Harry fell silent, he hadn't intended to speak for that long. But once he started, he couldn't stop. However, he was careful not to look at his teacher. he preferred to look at Blacky. The poor animal looked at him sadly.
The boy patted the bed and the dog jumped up. He wrapped himself around Harry. It looked like the boy was sitting in a living nest.

severus had listened to the whole story without interrupting the boy once. He didn't even know what made him angry the most. The beatings, the neglect, or what they told the child about his parents. it was really like his home.
But Severus had friends to go to. There were Lily and Lucius. Well, the boy before him had friends too, but thanks to Dumbledore he wasn't allowed to see them. who had given the old fool guardianship?
What was the man's aim in tormenting the boy like this? Apart from the fact that everyone was happy that the dark lord was gone. With a few exceptions, maybe. but they were in Azkaban.
And then also the statement that a few blows wouldn't hurt.
Besides, Dumbledore kept a lot from the boy. On the one hand, the child did not know how to behave in the world of magicians or what rights he was entitled to.
The Potions Master made up his mind to do something about it. the headmaster would still regret the day he had assigned Severus Snape to Harry Potter's protection.
But before that he was interested in something else.
"And that two days ago?"
Harry startled from his own thoughts.
"Vernon's sister was telling the old lies about mom and dad again. And that's when it happened. I was so angry, but I also felt helpless. I knew that I wasn't allowed to do magic. and suddenly the woman became more and more rounded and at some point floated under the covers. "
Harry looked apologetically at the man in front of him. But he did something that the boy would never have expected. He laughed.
"It's a shame that the ministry got the woman back. Maybe we should go back to your relatives and you repeat the feat. "
Harry grinned sheepishly.
"Better not."

Severus calmed down again.
"You're right. but both the director and the minister are right about one thing. You have to learn to control the wild magic. And I'll teach you that. "
"That means you believe me?"
the boy's surprised expression stung Severus.
"I should have done that from the start. I'm sorry."
Harry blushed at the apology. He wasn't used to that. Nobody had said that to him before.
severus smiled, but immediately became serious again.
"Please show me your injuries."
The boy stared at his teacher with wide eyes. He even tried to make himself small and hide in a protective hug.
severus took a deep breath.
"Boy, I don't want to hurt you. But if you are injured, I have to take care of it. "
Reluctantly, the child unfolded again. Reluctantly, he peeled off his new shirt.
severus had already wondered why the boy had opted for something long-sleeved with the temperatures. Now he knew. There were bruises and welts everywhere.
"A leash and Dudley," his student explained.
"I'll get you an ointment."

Harry was bare-chested on his bed. Blacky inspected the wounds closely. Again and again he hummed. Once he even wanted to jump up.
"Stay, it's all good."
The animal looked at him in disbelief.
"I don't know why, but I think Professor Snape will help me."
"Yes, he will. I will certainly not allow you to come to these unworthy creatures again. "
severus sat down in front of his student and began to treat him.
"You will also get some nutritional potions from me. The way they look it's a miracle that you haven't collapsed yet. "
"But you cannot gain weight through nutritional potions."
"Oh, when are you familiar with potions?"
"Ms. Pompfrey always complains about my weight. "
"Understandable. It is true that you cannot gain weight by doing this. but at least it provides you with all the vitamins you need. We'll manage the rest too. "
Harry endured the treatment in silence.
He was pleasantly surprised. actually he did not expect that the dark bat would help him. But he must have been mistaken.
But he didn't like spending his vacation studying in the least.
That could be funny.

please, I hope you enjoyed it.
By the way, the prophecy doesn't exist in this story. Superfluous thing.

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