"Would you get up." I heard a deep voice say. I looked up at Jimin annoyed, "I told you go home, I'll find my own way home." I said annoyed. "I told you you're coming with me. Now get up." I didnt move and crossed my arms glaring at him.

He lifted me up and dragged me harshly by the wrist. "Yah! It hurts." I yelled in pain. "I told you to get in the fucking car." He shoved me in the passenger seat, slamming the door." I widened my eyes in shock. I have never see this side of him I buckled my seat belt and leaned closest I could to the window.

Jimin got in the car slamming his door and starting the car. He looked at me with dark eyes as I looked at him scared to death. My entire body was pushed against the car door, trying to avoid him. "I told you to get in the car it's not that hard." He said with a cold tone still. "I told you I wanted to walk in the rain." I said crossing my arms. "You could've been kidnapped, so be happy you weren't." He said and started driving.

When we came across my house I opened the door and jumped out. I didn't care if the car was still moving, or if I were to get hurt, I just didn't want to be next to Jimin at this time. I ran inside my house shutting the door behind me and breathing heavily. I quickly look at my wrist and knees which had rough scrapes on them. They were bleeding, so I quickly rinsed the wounds and applied medicine.

The next morning I looked at my wounds to see them red and swollen. I tried covering it up with makeup, but it just hurt too much. I just removed all the makeup and wore pants to work. I couldn't hide the wounds on my wrist however no matter what I wore. I quickly headed to work to make Jimin his breakfast.

Honestly, I was scared of him. All he's done is been an asshole and taken his anger out on me. He's been cold before, but never this cold.

I quickly made his breakfast and walked to JJ's office. He wasn't there and there was a note on his desk. The note read 'I'll be gone for the next week. I'm flying abroad for some family stuff' I set the note back down for me to see everyday since I don't have a good memory. I walked to Jimin's office and walked in giving him his breakfast.

He grabbed my wrist and pulled it harshly towards him, making me yelp in pain. "The hell did you do?" He asked looking at my wound on my wrist. "Nothing I just scraped it that's all." I pulled my wrist back massaging it to reduce the pain. "Well don't jump out of my car like an idiot then." He said.

I just walked out of his office, not wanting to stay there any longer. I quickly ran back to the cafeteria to cook food for our visitors.

After the day was over I quickly ran out of the building to a nearby bus station. I was lucky enough to avoid seeing Jimin.

The next morning my father and I were meeting up at a restaurant to meet with Jimin and his parents. I walked in to see Jimin already sitting with his parents.

"Hello Mr. Jeon." Jimin bowed. "Hello Jimin." My father chuckled a little before sitting down. Jimin's parents greeted me and we all sat down. "So I assume that you both know about the marriage?" Jimin's father asked. "Yes sir." I nodded. "Oh please, call me father." He said making me widen my eyes in shock.

"Oh no that's ok." I said. "You can call us aunty and uncle." Jimin's mom suggested. "Sure." I said before drinking some of the water provided on the table.

"You two are getting married in two days now." My father said in excitement. "We get it, you want to marry me off." I said annoyed. "Aren't you happy?" He asked. I looked in front of me to see Jimin's parents looking at me, waiting for my answer. "Yes." I said through my teeth. "Oh good." My father said and ordered some food.

After we finished eating I went outside to call June. "Yeah, the entire thing was really awkward and all that." I explained. We talked for a few minutes before I was interrupted. "Why'd you walk out?" I heard from behind me. "Calling a friend," I said pointing at the phone next to my ear. He took the phone saying, "she'll have to call you back." He hung up the phone before handing it back to me. "We aren't done yet." He said pulling me back inside.

"Oh Y/N you're back." My father said when I walked back to the booth we were sitting in. "What did I miss?" I asked sitting down next to my father. "We agreed on you two moving in together." My father said. "What?" I said a little shocked and angry at the same time. "Then, you two can get to know each other better." He explained. "I already knew him from high school." I said angrily. "Oh good. Then, you should have no problem sharing a house." My father said.

"I better get my own bedroom." I said. "Oh don't worry, we didn't plan on you two sharing a room yet." He said smiling. "Ok are we done here?" I asked wanting to leave. "Well, if you'll excuse us. It was nice seeing you and Jimin." My father said pushing me out of the booth. I waved at them and walked out of the restaurant.

I quickly sat in the back seat of my father's car with my hands crossed over my chest. "Why are you so rude?" My father asked when he got into the car. "He's my ex dad! I don't love him and never will." I yelled angrily. "You don't have to, you're just married." My father said. "You dont get it. This is my first marriage, it's supposed to be with someone I love. Not with someone I don't love and haven't talked to in a while. When you married mom did you love her?" "Yes I did my." My father said. "Were you forced to marry her?" I asked. "No I wasn't." He said. "Exactly." I said annoyed.

"Well, we are taking you to your new house." He said. "Where even is it?" I asked. "Jimin's house, he's had it since he was in middle school." He explained. "What about my cat? I need to go pick her up." I said. "We will pick her up on the way." My father rolled his eyes. He hated the cat with all of his heart. Even since the cat sat on him and dug her nails into my father, my dad has hated cats.

Once we got to my house, I quickly got out of the car to get my cat. I got my cat and packed my things as well. I had no idea the house I was now living in would be Jimin's house down the street.

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