Chapter 20

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~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

"Don't worry... about a thing... cause every little thing... GONNA BE ALRIGHT!" I cried out

"Alright it's been over a week... and you drank up all the vodka?! Man I was saving that" she crossed her arms "when was the last time you talked to him"

"Since I found out... two timing bastard" I let go of the empty wine bottle and it rolls away

"How sure are you that he may be seeing that girl"

"Positive, I saw them make out once and she seems really into him, probably thought it was the perfect time since I left"

"I'm gonna fuck her up if I see her"

"It's fine, not her fault... I think, but that's besides the point, what I'm more pissed about is that HE actually went out with her"

"Alright where going out, but not for drinks" she picked up the empty bottles of alcohol "you've done enough of that"

"Singin' don't worry... about a thing... cause every little thing... gonna be alright" I rolled off the couch

"Exactly, everything will be alright, now go take a shower and get ready" she dragged me by my feet while my face was pressed up against the floor

She started the shower and made me get up "take a shower, put on some nice clothes, and we'll go out to eat"

"Do I have to-" she put her finger on my lips

"Shhhh... yes you do, cause if you don't, I'll come barging in here and make you get ready"

"With my titties flying all over the place?"

"With your titties flying all over the place" she nodded her head while saying that

"... okay..... I'll get ready" I closed the door and got undressed before going inside the shower

I tried to sing 'I Will Always Love You'

Key word 'tried'



"Yeah" I said with a voice crack

"Should I wear white or dark blue"

"... dark blue" I was curled in a ball with the water hitting me



"Are you on the floor curled into a ball"

"... yeah" I can hear her sigh on the other side of the door

"How about we look for other guys, I bet we can find a hotter and nicer guy"

"But there so hard to find, and when you do find a nice guy they see you as friend or there probably taken already... or there gay"

"Well where gonna flirt with them hardcore! Now get up and wash up cause where gonna find us a future husband!"

"... okay" I finished my shower and got ready, then Camila dragged me down into her car and we went out for food and the mall

"What about him" Camila said pointing at guy who is obviously with a girl

"He already has a girlfriend"

"So?" I slapped my hand over my face

"I'm not gonna be a homewrecker, let's just maybe go somewhere where single guys will most likely be"

"And where will that be"

"... strip club?"

"You just wanna drink"

"Yeah... but hey I might end up finding someone"

"Might, let's just pray that you will cause you keep shitting on my happinesses"

"Really" I said with a voice crack holding back my tears "I'm sorry"

"Stop fucking crying your acting like a baby"

"I'm sorry"

"Stop apologizing"

"Sorry-" she slapped her hand over my face

"Let's just go"

She dragged me away and went home to stay for a bit until the strip clubs was open, and once it was open we got ready

"Wow... I would totally bang you if we weren't cousins" Camila said as I walked out of the bathroom

"... sweet home Alabama" we both started cracking up before leaving

"You know what" Camila started


"We should totally go to Japan and confront Izuku, in-front of everyone!"

"I don't know, it's probably best if I just cut contact with him since I keep crying"

"OR you can go out with the other cutie, what's his name, Ki-... Kiri..."


"Yeah! Him! I would totally have a one night stand with him"

"Didn't you say that where not prostitutes"

"They bang any guy for money, I choose my men, and I don't get paid for it sadly"

"Oh my god, what have we become" I put my hands on my face

"Bad bitches that's for sure"

"Jesus help me"

"Who needs Jesus when you have me, I sin a little here, pray a little there, go on my knees, but not to pray that's for sure-"

"OKAY! We are here"

"Woohoo! I'm gonna drink until I don't remember my name!"

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