Chapter 22

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~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

"Camila chill, we are not fighting anyone"

"You ain't but I am, gonna show her what these hands can do" we where just landing in Japan and she was already pump to fight a girl

"My god please don't end up in jail"

"I'll try not too" we got off the plane and got a Uber, for the car ride I laid back clearing my head while Camila was jamming to music

Once we pulled up to my café I got my luggage out and went inside to see how it was going, which was packed as usual

"[y/n]! Your back!"

"Hey Alex" I got behind the counter "where is Luke?"

"He's in back preparing Pastries"

"What about the new employees"

"There getting the hang of it-"


"Why is my kitchen in fire"

"Key word 'getting the hang of it' and by any chance do you have good insurance and credit"

"... Alex I'm this close to shoving your head in this blender"

~~~~Time Skip~~~~


"Where really sorry!"

"We'll pay for the damage!"

"Please don't fire us we will get better!"

The four rookies where on there knees begging for forgiveness while Camila was holding a wooden spoon, I slowly took the spoon away from her and set it aside "it's okay, just be careful next time, all of this stuff is expensive, especially my damn oven" I groaned a bit saying that last part

"We'll pay!"

"Nono, it's fine you guys are broke, I know that, College students am I right"

"How do you know-"

"Your shoes, eye bags, kinda looking pale right now, and it looks like your running on one percent right now"

"She's good"

"Anyways, I called a repair man, you guys can go home"

"Thank you, and again we are really sorry"

"It's okay" I see them leave and I look at Luke and Alex "you two know better, you gotta keep a close eye on them, think of them like your little siblings, if there quiet check on them, if there fighting check them, if there is something on fire, call the police"


"Anyways I want you to meet someone, my cousin Camila" she just stood there not understanding until I looked at her

"Sup fuckers-" I slapped the back of her head "I mean, hey"

"She's... looks awesome!" Alex yelled

"See these kids know what's up, who wants to help me fight a bitch-"

"They don't understand what your saying, and no one is fighting no one, let's go to the apartment up stairs" before I did I turned to Luke and Alex "hey, has Izuku been coming?"

"Yeah, almost every day after closing" I nodded my head as he head out

I never really sold the apartment up stairs, but instead rented it out, today there isn't anyone so me and Camila are staying for the meantime until we leave

"So where is this guy"

"Good question, I don't know" she looked at me as if I'm the dumbest person on earth "buuuut, before you call me a dumbass, Izuku comes to my café everyday, so all we have to do is-"

"Ahhhh, I see, we wait for him to come to us"

"Exactly" I let Watermelon and Peaches out of there cage, and now we where sitting on the couch chilling

"So what do we do-"

"I have no fucking clue"

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

We where sitting in a café after closing in a disguise, sipping on tea and eating biscuits "damn this taste good"

"No duh it's my recipe"

"Damn this is your recipe, you gotta give it to me"

"No... maybe, I don't know stay focus" we scrolled through our phones before we heard a knock and Luke came to unlock the door

"Hey Deku, hey Uravity, you guys want the usual"

'Who the hell is Uravity- no... this guy had the AUDACITY to being this girl to MY CAFÉ! Who the hell does he think he is!' I shot a look at Camila who was already tying her hair into a bun, and I wasn't stoping her

"Hey BITCH" she threw a chair at them and I was shocked since I wasn't expecting her to do that

"C-Camila! What the hell don't just throw a chair, use your hands, that chair cost a lot of money"

She ran up to that girl and tackled her to the ground "okay this is getting out of hand" I was pulling Camila off of her but she was relentlessly beating the living daylights out of her 'isn't she supposed to be a pro hero, she's getting her ass beat by a physical therapy doctor'

Izuku finally stepped in and separated the two, well more like grabbed Camila and held her back

"Agh, this wasn't supposed to happen" I scratched my head feeling my anxiety rise

"[y/n]?? What is happening!? I thought you left, why is this girl attacking Ochako!?"

"You wanna know why! Because your fucking bitch ass told my cousin you loved her yet your here with this shitty ass slut of a girl, so fuck you, and you!" she was about to lunge at Ochako again but Izuku held her back

"Camila go to the house, I'll deal with this"

"Bye, the fucking nerves of these people" she said as she walked out

"Listen, I wasn't expecting for all this to happen... but it was to be expected"

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