Chapter 19

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~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

'I don't feel happy... maybe it'll just take time'

I was walking down the sidewalk with peaches following behind me, it was early morning and I had my hands in my hoodie while kinda just avoided puddles on the floor

Surprisingly peaches kept following me even though it's cold and wet, seems she's grown concerned for me, which is sweet but I rather let her not cause that will mean I'm making her feel bad

"Peaches, do you prefer Japan or here... it's for the best, but I feel like I left something behind" she pawed my leg while looking up at me "we should get going home, your paws are probably cold" opening up my hoodie I grabbed her and put her in "better"

Letting a soft purr out I continued walking, I felt droplets hit my head and I sped walked the rest of the way home

Once I did get home I see Camila on the computer doing work

"Hey, what where doing outside, it's freezing"

"Walking" I put peaches down and sat on the couch "hey Camila"


"How do you know if you found place you know where you belong" she stopped typing and thought for a bit

"I guess if you feel at home, like you know that you could live there forever... how come your asking?"

"I don't know... I feel like I'm lost"

"Well... maybe you really didn't want to leave Japan, think you could tell me why"

I began to think, and immediately thought of Izuku, feeling my face grow hot I hid my face against my legs

"Ohhh, it's someone you like... maybe love"

"I... I just kinda miss him"

"Awww, can you tell me who this guy is"

"It's.. hard to believe" I flopped on my side while still holding my legs against me

"What do you mean"

"Google Izuku Midoriya" looking back on her screen I hear her type before hearing a snicker come out

"Number one hero in Japan! You can't be serious-" I pulled my phone out and showed her a picture of me and Izuku on our date before I left "... your serious.... I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU LEFT A HOT GUY!"

"I know! And not just that, he was kind, soft, considerate, understanding, lovable, smart, he was perfect... and I left him, just because I was scared"

"You have to go back, you need to tell him how you feel!"

"But, I can't, I'm not ready to go back"

"... well then, when you are, just tell me and we'll book a plane"

I rolled off the couch with a thud "Camila, is it possible to be so depressed that you can't even think"

"I mean I guess, we should go out like old times"

"Maybe I can drink my depression away... wine, tequila, vodka, beer, margaritas... crack cocaine"

"Okay you need to go bed" Camila dragged me to my room by my feet and put me to bed "your not depressed enough to do crack cocaine"

"But maybe I am"

"No, bad." she slapped my forehead "we can drink, no drugs"

"Drugs... the drug lords are calling me"

"Your hallucinating, go to sleep"

"Fine" I wrapped myself in a burrito and hear my door close "but maybe-"

"NO!" Camila screamed from the hallway


Flipping onto my belly I got my phone out and was scrolling through social media, seeing the Japan news I smiled

It shows Izuku saving people and taking down a powerful villain, I listened to the interview and decided that I was gonna call him

After a few rings he picked up


"Hey Izuku, I just wanted to say good job on saving the day again"

"Oh thank you" I heard something in the background... more like someone

"Hey who's that in the background"

"O-oh no one-"

"Izuku, are you gonna come back in, it's cold" I just froze, that sounded a lot like someone I know

... someone like Ochako

"H-hey Izuku, I'm gonna call you back my cousin is yelling at me to clean the dishes, uh, so, talk to you later I guess"

"Y-yeah, I can tell you all about my missions I had so far"

"Okay..." I hung up and just sat up on my bed "THAT SON OF A BITCH!"

"Woah who pissed all over your Cheerios"

"MOTHER FUCKING IZUKU MIDORIYA! That little piece of shit is out probably banging another girl a months after I left! He just can't keep his tiny dick to himself!" I was fuming "you know what!"

"Oh boy this is not gonna end well"

"I'm gonna go to Japan and SCREW HIS BEST FRIEND!" I got up and started packing "yeah thats right!"

"Nonononono, you need to relax and take a moment for yourself, okay" she pulled me away from my luggage and dropped me on the floor

"I'm gonna fuck Kirishima! And then fuck whatever that blonde haired guys name... FUCKING BAKUGOU! Yeah I'm gonna squeeze them dry!"

"Okay where not prostitutes, where women-"

"Well I'm gonna be a woman and fuck two guys at once, that's a way to prove dominance!"

"Okay you need some margaritas, I'll make you some and you can rant all you want"

"And give me crack cocaine!"



A/N: Sorry for the long wait there is a lot of school work and I'm also lazy, so those two don't mix

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