Chapter 23

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~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

"And you have the fucking AUDACITY TO BRING HER TO MY CAFÉ! What the fucking hell Izuku! You could have at least been honest with me, we spent my last day in Japan on a beautiful date, you said you loved me at the hospital when I was most vulnerable, and yet you don't have the FUCKING balls to tell me your dating another girl! Camila was right! Your a little dick bitch!"

Izuku was sitting there in shame as I yelled at him, Ochako left after my cousin wiped the floor with her

"Get the hell out of my café! And don't come back!" I shoved him out and slammed the door on him locking it "Luke, sorry you had to see that"

"Nono, this is the most drama I've had in months" I see him sitting on the counter with a muffin, I couldn't help but let a chuckle out

"You can leave now"

"Here I'll clean up and lock up, it looks like you had quite a day" he offered

"Thanks, that means a lot" I waited for a minute to make sure Izuku was long gone before I got out and went upstairs

"Tell me the details" Camila was on the floor doing her nails, with music playing, she was wearing a tank top and undies with her hair in a bun and wine right beside her

"First let me get in a state like you" I got changed like Camila before going on the floor and poured wine into my cup "so it went something along the lines of..."

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

"Periiiooood! As you should" we where both drunk and started ranting about past partners

"C-Camila, how's your girlfriend, th-the tattoo artist one"

"We broke up... I fucking miss her!"

"Really, y-you guys *hic* have b-been dating for like, three maybe four years now" she was now crying and rolling on the floor

"I miss her big titties and her soothing voice was the best thing to sleep to!"

"It's o-okay, I bet, she misses you too"

"Really? Should I call her"

"Not right n-now *hic* where drunk" we sat there looking at each other "okay maybe, you can call your ex, I call Kirishima"

"K-kiri who?"

"He's a guy I kinda liked"

"O-oooh I remember" we got our phones out and looked at each other "a-are we making a mistake... maybe"

"I-I don't care at this point" I called Kirishima and waited for him to answer, and to my surprise he answered


"... I- hi, h-how have you been"

"Good, are you okay [y/n], you sound a bit sluggish"

"... no, I'm not okay, I'm sad and lonely and Izuku is a asshole!" I started to break down at this point "I don't know what to do"

"Want me to come over"

"... please"

"Alright I'll be there as soon as possible" we hang up and I look at Camila who looks like she's on could nine

"She said she wants to get back together!" Camila got up only for her to trip and fall down "I'm okay, I'm gonna go to sleep" she crawled to the room and closed the door while I sat there on the couch

To pass time I put on a show and watched until I heard a knock on my door, I looked through the peephole to see it was Kirishima, I open it and see that he was worried

"Hey what's wrong"

"A lot of things" Kirishima opened his arm up for a hug which I took "I'm probably gonna die alone and become a crazy cat lady"

"What makes you think that"

"All my past relationships ended as a shit show, and I'm not getting any younger or prettier..." I felt tears well up

"But you are pretty, and any guy would be lucky to have you, Midoriya doesn't know what he missed"


"Of course" I looked up at him and he looked at me leaning in, his lips pressed against mine and we kissed for a minute before someone interrupted

"Woah, you moved on faster than I expected" I turn to see Camila crawling on the floor with a blanket draped over her


"Nono, just don't moan too loud I'm gonna go to bed"

"Camila!" she let out a ugly laugh before crawling back to her room

"Use protection!"

"I'm gonna kick your ass!"

"... are you guys drunk"

"Just a little bit" I sniffs my breath

"I smell.. vodka, tequila, wine... and some cotton candy?... also you only have a tank top on with underwear" he was red looking away

"The vodka was cotton candy flavored" I felt my stomach rumble "I don't think I could see cotton candy the same way" I held my mouth "move!" I shoved Kirishima out the way and threw up in the sink

He held my hair out the way as I vomited my guts out until I was down "oh god... I can taste the cotton candy" I turned the water on and swished it in my mouth before spitting it back out

"I think you should go to sleep, you don't look well"

"Your right, thanks, for coming and everything, I really appreciate it, if you want you can stay here for the night, I know it's not the the fanciest place but-"

"I'll stay, and I don't care if the house is fancy or not" I smiled as I showed him the room

"You can stay here, I'll stay with my cousin, night Kirishima"

"Oh... night [y/n]"

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