Chapter 24

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~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

I woke up with Camila's arm over my face 'what the fuck did I do last night for me to end up in bed with my cousin' I just sighed out and grabbed her arm and tossed it away from me, I sat up, stretched, and made my way down the hallway to go in my room

I wasn't paying attention to the things around me and flopped on my bed... then my eyes bulged open when I felt someone in my bed

"Mmmm... [y/n]?" I shot up from my bed and see Kirishima

"What are you doing in my bed!? Why are you here!? D-did we... did we have a threesome- what no Camila fucks more with girls than guys- I'm getting off topic why are you here"

"Y-you don't remember?"

"No all I remember is... Camila beating the shit out of Ochako"

"Yeah, then you got drunk after, had a breakdown, called me, broken down again, threw up, washed your mouth, then we... you know kissed, and went to bed, separately"

"... sounds about right, did I do anything... embarrassing"

"No not at all, it's kinda understandable that your sad" I had a little smile form

"Well I'm fine now, can't be crying over a guy who doesn't care about me when I got you" I leaned on his shoulder

"S-so are we..."

"Yeah, let's give it a shot" he gave me a hug and a kiss on my forehead  "y-you don't mind doing long distance"

"I don't mind, I can always visit you"

"Well since where here together, why not we go out and do stuff"

"Yeah how about... arcade games! Then go out to eat and a movie"

'Not what I had in mind'

"Yeah sure" he grabbed my hand and already started walking me out the door "woah woah woah! Kiri, we both need to at least put on some decent clothes"

"Oh right, sorry I got too excited"

"It's fine" I chuckled out "go to your house, put on some clothes that aren't pajamas, and I'll get ready"

"Sounds like a plan, I'll pick you up" he walked out the door and I got ready, taking a shower, shaved, makeup, hair, then clothes

"Woah... why you getting all pretty" Camila was leaning against the door frame with her arms crossed

"Me and Kirishima are going out"

"So are you guys a thing or something"

"Y-yeah" she stared at me before giving me a doubtful look "what? Why you making that face?"

"Nothing it's just, don't you think your jumping into a relationship, I know your hurt and wanting to be loved by someone, but this isn't how you should cope with it"

"... I'm not coping" she wasn't believing me "okay maybe it has something to do with that little shit but I really do like Kirishima" she kept on looking at me and I sighed out "look I know your doubting me and everything, but I really do like him, and I know it may seem that I'm jumping into any relationship I can but I'm being very serious, he loves me and I feel like I love him too"

"Listen, I just don't want you getting hurt, cause then I have to deal with it in end, but that's not the point, the point is that you feel the need to get back at Midoriya and by doing that you went and got with one of his friend and what Midoriya is doing to you, your doing it to Kirishima"

"I know that you think that, but I just want to give it a shot, and if I feel like he isn't the one then... I'll just break it off before it gets too serious"

"Alright, we'll just see how this plays out"

I nodded my head as I continued to get ready, I don't get why she doesn't see what I see, he sweet and kind, he helped me out when I needed him, I feel like he would make a really good boyfriend, a future husband at that

Once I was done I walked out of the house, sat on the stars, and scrolled through my phone looking some news

'No.1 hero Deku lashes out on 'Uravity', is this trouble in paradise?'

"What the fuuuuuck" I just smiled since Izuku is suffering with the press "well, it's not my problem now"

At this point I don't care about Izuku anymore, I was done, he had an opportunity and missed it, so now I'm just gonna move on, I mean what's the point of waiting for someone to come for me when they just keep hurting me

I hear a car pull in front of me and see it's Kirishima

'Well, let's see how this goes'


A/N: I planned on posting this earlier, around Saturday, but my heart had other plans and I ended up in the ER

My heart really gave a vibe check 😂

I was there for five hours and they found something abnormal with my heartbeat, I'm used to it, this has been going on for years, but this week they where actually able to find something

This all happened on Friday I had very bad heart palpitations to the point where I almost passed out and my mom was at work, she was about to call a ambulance but my older brother made it to the house and my mom got out of work early and took me to the ER

I have another cardiologist appointment again and there most likely gonna make me wear another heart monitor

But anyways I'm fine, and I lived sooo 😗✌🏽

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