Chapter 21

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~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

"We where supposed to find guys, not fall off chairs planning to do assault" I picked up Camila and she leaned against me

"F-fucking bitch stole YOUR MAN! And you want me to s-stay put!? NNNNO! I'm gonna beat the fACK out of her!"

I dragged her out of the strip club and got us a Uber "I-I don't wanna get in the car! And y-yyyyyou can't make me!"

"Look Camila, I have a taco" she looks at the taco trying to reach for it "you want the taco, get in the car"

"I hate you... but I love tacos and you as well" she crawled in and I gave her the taco while I sat in the front

"Don't my mind my cousin, she gets physical when she's drunk"

"I... will she fight me?"

"As long as I'm here she won't do anything cause she knows I'll beat her with the chancla the next day" he lets a chuckle out

"Your guys relationship is weird"

"You have no idea"

The Uber guy was actually funny, and he didn't mind the situation

"No way! You actually tried to catch a possum"

"Yeah! I wasn't the brightest kid"

"Hey! If you guys are gonna fuck, a-at least let me g-get out of the car" Camila said as she sat up

"Again don't mind her"

"I-I think I'm gonna-" she was burping and held her mouth


Everything went in slow motion, the Uber guy freaked out and accidentally jerked the wheel making us swerve, I hit my head on the side of the window, the vomit slowly slipped out of her mouth as she fell backwards onto the ground, we spun for a solid second before it went to a complete stop

"Is everyone okay" he asked

"Oh g-god my vomit is everywhere, and my taco came back out... I'm going to sleep"

"I am SO sorry about her, I'll clean it"

"I-it fine really, this isn't the first time I had to clean"

"Nonono I'm cleaning it don't worry" we got home and I dragged her into her room before coming back out with cleaning supplies

"Y-you really don't h-"

"I got this don't worry about" I opened the car and let a sigh out 'I'm gonna stick that chancla so far up her ass it's gonna come right back out of her throat'

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

"Done! Again sorry about her"

"It's fine really, I have accidents like these all the time, though your the first person to actually clean the accident"

"Really, wow people can be dicks"

"I mean a little, anyways I should get going"

"Oh yeah, see ya, I guess"

"Hope we see each other"

"Yeah" he left and I sighed out 'he was nice' I got my phone out and looked at his profile 'Adrian...' I gave him five stars and put my phone away

"H-hey... can you be the bestest cousin i-in the whooaaal wor-world and m-make Mac and cheese"

I thought for a moment 'I guess I'm in a better mood' "... sure" I walked in and started to make her Mac and cheese

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

"I what" Camila was wrapped in a blanket with a huge headache

"Yeah, threw up all over the poor guys car, went to sleep after, wanted Mac and cheese, and tried to drink more" I gave her tea and some medicine "I don't think it's the best idea for you to come drinking again"

"Okay... I understand... did you find someone at the strip club"

"No, but the Uber driver was nice"


"Yeah but I don't know, we just talked and that's about it"

"Oh... well that means we just gotta go out again-"

"It's fine, I'm still young, I have time to find someone for me-" my phone started to ring and I looked at it "it's Izuku"

"Oh! Gimme the phone!"

"What no!"

"Gimme! Gimme now I'm gonna fucking cuss him out!" I tried to get my phone out of her reach


"He fucking deserves it!"

"I-I'll do it!" she looks at me wide eye "I'll cuss him out" she has a huge smile on her face and gave me a thumbs up before I answered

Then I took a deep breath


"Listen here you little no dick bitch! You got a whole lot of fucking nerves to be calling me, I have been heartbroken ever since you got with that other FUCKING SHITTY GIRL! And let me tell you this! I AM DATING SOMEONE! So go fuck yourself!"

"... I- I I'm sorry, I don't know what to say"

"Yeah! You better be sorry!" I hung up on him and sighed out of relief "there, that's how you deal with them little peanut brain boys" she had her mouth wide open and I looked at my phone before looking back up at her "... I wanna go back to Japan"

".... WHAT THE ACTUAL FUAK! No! You will not"

"No keep listening, I wanna go back, because I just want to confront and talk to him, you can come along with me"

"Hell yeah I'm coming along! Gonna beat a bitch up that's what I'm doing"

"I don't think that's the best idea but I love the enthusiasm"

"Alright let's get packing!" Camila was already running to her bedroom to pack

"I hope to god this won't go bad"


A/N: I got four new puppies

There names are Minnie, Cleopatra, Two-Face, and Bob/Bobby

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There names are Minnie, Cleopatra, Two-Face, and Bob/Bobby

I'm having regrets but can't be mad

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